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Qingdao West Coast New Area Smart Bus Stop
Qingdao West Coast New Area Smart Bus Stop
date: 2021-08-13 21:03 author: Shandong Langjin Communication Browse:
Qingdao West Coast New Area is a national-level new area, enjoying provincial-level administrative treatment. It is a leading area for independent innovation in marine science and technology, a strategic support base for deep-sea development, a demonstration area for innovation in military-civilian integration, a pilot area for international cooperation in marine economy, and a pilot area for coordinated development of land and sea. It is a key development area of ​​Shandong Province and the gateway to Qingdao, China's free trade zone.
The smart bus stop developed by Shandong Langjin Communication Co., Ltd. is based on the urban heritage and marine cultural characteristics of the West Coast New Area. It focuses on the goal of comprehensively building an open, modern, dynamic and fashionable international new area. It follows the six design concepts of "humanization", "intelligence", "greening", "modularization", "standardization" and "characteristics" to create an "open, modern, dynamic and fashionable" smart city model.

Figure 1 Real scene of the smart bus stop in Xihai’an New District

Figure 2 Night view of the smart bus station in West Coast New District
The design concept of the smart bus stop developed by Shandong Langjin Communication Co., Ltd. is derived from the modern and diversified urban development concept of the West Coast. It creates a modern and futuristic atmosphere through streamlined contours, metal colors and glass textures, 5G, smart large screens, and human-computer interaction facilities. With convenient bus information query, personalized information query, practical shopping, charging and other instant services, and intelligent light control, it provides passengers with a modern and convenient waiting environment.

Figure 3 Actual installation of smart bus station in West Coast New District

Figure 4 Side view of the smart bus stop in West Coast New District

Figure 5 Rendering of the smart bus stop in West Coast New District
The smart bus stop developed by Shandong Langjin Communication Co., Ltd. adopts cutting-edge technologies such as visual acquisition and recognition, various sensors, wireless positioning systems, RFID, barcode recognition, and visual tags; it builds an intelligent visual Internet of Things to perform intelligent perception and automatic data collection on elements of urban complexes, covering security, tourism, catering, transportation, and information and communications.
The smart bus stop developed by Shandong Langjin Communication Co., Ltd. will become the terminal entrance to the smart city. It can be seamlessly connected with 5G, unmanned driving, and AI technologies to create a comprehensive carrier for smart cities, achieve coordination among vehicles, roads, and people, and ensure citizens' happy (smart) travel.