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Focus on three roles and three projects to promote the high quality of party schools (colleges)
Focus on three roles and three projects to promote the high quality of party schools (colleges)
date: 2021-03-25 16:38 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

The work of the Party School (College) of the Ministry of Transport is an important part of the transportation industry, and it shoulders the mission of providing talent and intellectual support for the development of the transportation industry and accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country. The "Opinions of the Party Group of the Ministry of Transport on Further Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Party School (Management Cadre College) of the Ministry of Transport" issued on January 13 this year made comprehensive arrangements for the goals, requirements, tasks and measures for the high-quality development of the Party School (College), and is an action guide for the Party School (College) to promote high-quality development. At present and in the future, the Party School (College) will take the implementation of the requirements of the Party Group of the Ministry as the general grasp, based on the new development stage, adhere to the new development concept, practice the construction of a new development pattern, focus on three roles and three projects, and strive to improve the scientific, institutionalized and standardized level of the work of the Party School (College), and contribute to the accelerated construction of a strong transportation country.

Give full play to the role of a melting pot and solidly promote the "soul-building" project

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that inner-party life is a melting pot for tempering party spirit and improving ideological awareness. If the furnace does not light a fire for a long time, or if the fire is lit but the temperature is not high enough, steel cannot be produced. Party schools (colleges) are the melting pots for party members and cadres to strengthen political construction and party spirit education. The fire must be kept high and strong to forge the political and ideological souls of party members and cadres. We must always insist that the party school belongs to the party, speak clearly about politics, deepen theoretical education, ideological and political education, and party spirit education, and comprehensively guide party members and cadres to strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards".

First, we should raise the enthusiasm for ideological tempering. We should make the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era the primary political task, so that it can be systematically and authoritatively incorporated into textbooks, vividly and effectively introduced into classrooms, and deeply engraved into people's minds. We should strengthen the dissemination of the theory of socialism with 中文 characteristics, and do a good job in disseminating the spirit of major party and state conferences. We should hold high-quality special training, carry out concentrated lectures, seminars and exchanges, establish a rigorous, rich, and scientifically complete curriculum system, strive to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of theoretical education, and continuously consolidate the construction of the party's ideological position.

Second, maintain the temperature of political training. Strengthen the political ability training of party members and cadres, carry out special training to improve political ability, organize party members and cadres to deeply study the central government's opinions on strengthening political construction and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on governing the country, and continuously enhance the political awareness, political ability, and political responsibility of party members and cadres, and improve their political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.

The third is to increase the intensity of party spirit training. Strengthen the party spirit education of party members and cadres, and comprehensively carry out the party's ideals and beliefs education, purpose education, party constitution, party rules and discipline education and "four histories" education. Classes lasting more than one month must arrange for students to conduct party spirit analysis, and ensure that party spirit education courses account for no less than 20% of the total class hours. Through all-round and diversified learning and education, we will strive to promote party members and cadres to gradually cultivate "iron faith, iron conviction, iron discipline, and iron responsibility."

Give full play to the role of the main channel and solidly promote the "empowerment" project

Party schools (colleges) are the main channel for education and training of cadres and talents in the transportation industry. They should focus on building a team of high-quality and professional cadres and talents, carry out professional training in multiple fields, levels and positions, and strive to promote cadres and talents of all levels and types to have the capabilities and qualities that are compatible with the requirements of accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country.

First, we should run the main classes well and improve the comprehensive capabilities of the cadres under the ministry and the young and middle-aged cadres. We should actively explore and follow the laws of cadre growth, and improve the foresight and pertinence of education and training in serving the cadre team building. We should focus on cultivating the comprehensive qualities of cadres, enhance the "eight skills" and the "seven abilities" to solve practical problems. In particular, we should adapt to the needs of innovative development, promote cadres to strengthen their sense of innovation, continuously improve their innovation capabilities, and stimulate their innovative vitality.

Second, we will run training courses to improve the professional level of cadres in key positions in the industry. We will carry out in-depth training of industry leaders, conduct large-scale job training and special training for industry cadres, and focus on strengthening the professional ability training of leaders in highway, waterway, transportation management, and comprehensive administrative law enforcement systems. We will improve the content of training, expand the knowledge structure of cadres, build a work exchange platform, and improve their ability to grasp policies and regulations, familiarize themselves with standards and specifications, and strengthen business execution.

The third is to run professional and technical training courses well and improve the professional quality of technical personnel in the industry. Continue to strengthen the construction of national-level professional and technical personnel training bases, hold various professional and technical training projects, strengthen the training of innovative, application-oriented, and skilled talents, and expand the industry's skilled talent team. Make full use of the advantages of online training to provide teaching platforms and training resources for the development of high-level talent training projects and urgently needed talent training projects in the industry, provide professional, systematic, and personalized online learning support services for grassroots practitioners, accelerate knowledge updates, and improve technical levels.

Give full play to the role of think tanks and solidly promote the "Gathering Wisdom" project

Party schools (colleges) are gathering places for leading cadres, experts and scholars, and trainees. They are also treasure troves of various ideological resources. We must make full use of this advantage, pool the wisdom of all parties, establish a multi-subject think tank team, form a new type of think tank talent team with multi-dimensional interaction and mutual support, and carry out comprehensive and in-depth research work.

First, we will strengthen major theoretical research. We will closely focus on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on transportation work and cadre education and training, conduct research on China's transportation theory system and industry development trends, pay close attention to developments and changes at home and abroad, focus on improving our theoretical research, scientific research innovation, and situation analysis capabilities, and strive to build a theoretical research platform with industry characteristics that is both red and professional.

Second, strengthen the research of important topics. Target the hot and difficult issues in the central work and transportation development, and carry out systematic research. Focus on serving to accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country, practice the construction of a new development pattern, transportation science and technology innovation, coordinate transportation development and safety, strengthen rural transportation development and promote rural revitalization, etc., and conduct in-depth theoretical and practical research. Mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers and trainees to participate in research, use research-based and case-based teaching, research in teaching, and learn in research. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with relevant scientific research institutes and universities, and build a collaborative research platform.

The third is to strengthen policy consulting research. Conduct research on important industry policies and consulting projects, and regularly put forward valuable countermeasures and suggestions. Innovate the mechanism for teachers and trainees to participate in policy consulting, timely sort out experience reports and opinions and suggestions, and promote the transformation of excellent research results into policy opinions and specific practices. Incorporate policy consulting results into the training system in the form of textbooks, courses, etc., and promote the mutual promotion and coordinated development of teaching training, scientific research and policy consulting.

Author: Yi Zhenguo, Party Secretary of the Ministry of Transport Management Cadre College and First Vice President of the Ministry’s Party School