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Li Xiaopeng said at the State Council Information Office press conference:
Li Xiaopeng said at the State Council Information Office press conference:
date: 2022-03-01 09:05 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

On February 28, the State Council Information Office held a press conference. Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport, introduced the work of the transportation industry in 2021 and answered questions from reporters on this year's key tasks. Li Xiaopeng said that this year, the transportation system will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era, implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the previous plenary sessions of the 19th Central Committee, follow the general tone of work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, implement the new development concept, promote high-quality development, focus on transportation safety production, transportation epidemic prevention and control, transportation of important materials such as energy and food, international and domestic logistics supply chain smoothness, and stabilize investment, so as to make contributions to transportation in order to stabilize the macro-economy, keep the economy running within a reasonable range, and maintain social stability. We will go all out to accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country, strive to be a pioneer in China's modernization, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements.

In 2021, the fixed asset investment in transportation will reach about 3.6 trillion yuan.

Li Xiaopeng introduced that in 2021, the fixed asset investment in transportation was about 3.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 4% over the same period last year. A large number of major projects such as the Sichuan-Tibet Railway and its supporting roads were promoted in an orderly manner; 4,000 kilometers of new railway lines were opened throughout the year, the total operating mileage of high-speed railways exceeded 40,000 kilometers, more than 8,000 kilometers of new expressways were added, and the operating mileage of expressways exceeded 168,000 kilometers; about 1,000 kilometers of new and improved high-grade waterways were added, and the mileage of high-grade waterways reached 16,200 kilometers; a total of 7 new civil transport airports were certified, and the number of certified civil transport airports nationwide reached 248; more than 1,000 kilometers of new urban rail transit were added, and the total operating mileage of urban rail transit nationwide exceeded 8,000 kilometers.

In 2022, it is expected that more than 3,300 kilometers of new railway lines will be added, more than 8,000 kilometers of expressways will be newly built, renovated or expanded, more than 700 kilometers of high-grade waterways will be added and improved, 8 new certified civil transport airports will be added, policies such as the "green channel" for the transportation of fresh agricultural products will continue to be implemented, and a series of policies such as helping enterprises and alleviating difficulties will be implemented.

Strive to be a pioneer in China's modernization

Li Xiaopeng said that the transportation system will live up to its mission and responsibilities, accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country, and strive to be a pioneer in China's modernization.

First, we should be at the forefront. We should accelerate the construction of a modernized integrated transportation system, focus on promoting the modernization of infrastructure, technical equipment, transportation services, industry governance, and talent teams, and provide stronger support, stronger guarantees, better services, and more beneficial explorations for national modernization.

Second, we should work hard. We should thoroughly implement the Outline for Building a Strong Transportation Nation and the Outline for the National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network, accelerate the construction of the main framework of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network of "6 axes, 7 corridors and 8 channels", accelerate the formation of the "National 123 Transportation Circle" and the "Global 123 Express Logistics Circle", and strive to achieve the goal of people enjoying their travel and goods flowing smoothly, so as to truly satisfy the people, provide strong guarantees and be at the forefront of the world.

The third is to forge ahead in the present. We will thoroughly implement the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of a Modern Comprehensive Transportation System" to ensure that the goals by 2025 can be achieved smoothly, and that the integrated development of comprehensive transportation will be basically realized, and that substantial breakthroughs will be made in intelligentization and greening. The comprehensive capabilities, service quality, operating efficiency and overall benefits will be significantly improved, and we will move towards world-class levels and serve the country's modernization well.

Coordinate the development of comprehensive transportation and accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country

In the past year, the Ministry of Transport has made the implementation of the Outline for Building a Strong Transportation Country and the Outline for the National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning a top priority in transportation work, and has made every effort to implement them. Among them, the transportation planning system has been improved, the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of a Modern Comprehensive Transportation System" has been issued, and 22 "14th Five-Year Plan" industry-specific plans have been formulated; a number of major engineering projects have been accelerated; the achievements of transportation poverty alleviation have been consolidated, and the high-quality development of "four good rural roads" has been promoted; the quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency increase of logistics have been systematically promoted, the level of safety assurance has been continuously improved, and the pilot work of building a strong transportation country has been solidly promoted.

Li Xiaopeng introduced that this year the transportation system will adhere to the guidance of planning, implement the work goals set in the "two outlines" into various plans, and make steady progress in the construction of a strong transportation country; adhere to the pilot first, encourage all regions and departments to boldly reform, continuously innovate, accelerate construction, and promote pilot projects, so as to blaze new trails and accumulate good experience for comprehensively accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country; adhere to key points to lead the way, implement the "6 axes, 7 corridors and 8 channels" proposed in the "National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline", improve comprehensive channels, build a hub system, and promote the integrated development of various modes; adhere to improving the governance system, continuously deepen industry reforms, expand opening up and cooperation, optimize the business environment, cultivate transportation civilization, and introduce an evaluation index system to ensure that the work of building a strong transportation country is implemented; strengthen and improve services, build transportation that satisfies the people, go all out to serve the people, and strive to realize people's enjoyment of travel and the smooth flow of goods.

Deputy Ministers Dai Dongchang and Zhao Chongjiu attended the press conference. At the press conference, Li Xiaopeng, Dai Dongchang and Zhao Chongjiu also answered reporters' questions on expanding investment in transportation infrastructure construction, promoting key engineering projects, helping enterprises to alleviate difficulties, and serving and protecting the lives of the people.