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NPC deputies and CPPCC members discuss how to effectively promote the transformation and development of transportation
NPC deputies and CPPCC members discuss how to effectively promote the transformation and development of transportation
date: 2022-03-10 11:06 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

When attending the deliberation of the Inner Mongolia delegation at the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that implementing the new development concept is the only way for my country to grow and develop in the new era. The government work report also mentioned the word "transformation" many times. The digital and intelligent transformation of traditional industries has been accelerated; the "dual control" of energy consumption has been promoted to the "dual control" of total carbon emissions and intensity; the overall layout of stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, and promoting reform have been coordinated to accelerate the transformation of development methods; the overall layout of the construction of Digital China has been strengthened to promote the digital transformation of industries; the principle of establishing first and then breaking, and comprehensive planning have been adhered to to promote the low-carbon transformation of energy... Seeking "progress" on the basis of "stability" has pointed out the direction for promoting the high-quality development of transportation.

The key to promoting high-quality development of transportation lies in promoting the transformation and upgrading of the industry. The 2022 National Transportation Work Conference clearly proposed "effectively promoting transformation". At present, new technologies represented by 5G, the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, and low-carbon technologies are promoting all-round and full-chain transformation of the transportation industry, accelerating the transformation to digitalization, greening, and integration. This issue of "Two Sessions Observation" invites some National People's Congress deputies and CPPCC members to share fresh cases and in-depth thinking on effectively promoting the transformation of the transportation industry.

Digital transformation enables high-quality development

In the government work report, the development of the digital economy is given great attention, which points out the path for promoting high-quality development. Under the general tone of the current economic work of keeping stability in mind and seeking progress in stability, various regions have seized the development opportunities in the digital era, and the digital economy is becoming a new engine for industrial transformation and upgrading.

"Due to the aging of equipment performance, the continuous growth of super-large passenger flow, the increasing demand for transportation capacity, and the sharp increase in equipment maintenance pressure, a major renovation is imminent, and the Shanghai Metro Line 2 non-contact renewal and renovation plan came into being." Yu Guangyao, member of the National Committee of the 中文 People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co., Ltd., introduced that this renovation was completed without reducing performance, function, and transportation capacity. The renovated Line 2 broke through the technical barriers of foreign signal systems, realized the interconnection of signal systems of different generations and standards, and comprehensively improved various indicators, giving citizens a better experience and sense of gain. "This renovation has improved the network service level of rail transit, and the system has been upgraded and connected to the digital operation and maintenance center, laying a solid foundation for digital transformation and sustainable development." Yu Guangyao said.

"The new generation of Yangtze River high-end cruise ship 'Yangtze River No. 3' delivered on December 16 last year has obtained the China Classification Society (CCS) green ship and smart ship additional notations, and has piloted the installation of intelligent warning systems for navigation safety and intelligent identification systems for crew behavior. Through the artificial intelligence driving decision-making assistance system, the impact of human factors on navigation safety is reduced." Zhang Rui, a member of the National People's Congress, former chairman of China Yangtze Shipping Group Co., Ltd., and Minister of Human Resources Department of China Merchants Group Co., Ltd., introduced that increasing scientific and technological innovation and building a smart Yangtze River are key moves for China Yangtze Shipping Group to accelerate the transformation of new and old kinetic energy and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

"Scientific and technological innovation has played an important role in promoting the sustained and healthy development of the industry, but the efforts in scientific and technological innovation need to be further strengthened." Ma Xulin, member of the National Committee of the 中文 People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the General Services Department of the State Post Bureau, suggested increasing support for the construction of the postal industry's scientific research system, targeting key areas such as the postal industry's intelligent security inspection system, intelligent video surveillance, and address information services, building national key laboratories or national engineering research centers, filling the gaps in the postal industry's relevant national scientific research platforms, and better gathering high-level scientific and technological talents.

The continuous research and innovation of major universities are also helping the digital transformation of the transportation industry. Among them, the Nantong Smart Public Transportation System Construction Plan proposed by Nantong University based on the Internet of Things, big data and other technical research has laid the foundation for the real-time dispatch and monitoring of buses, effectively reducing bus operating costs and increasing their attractiveness. Shi Weidong, member of the National Committee of the 中文 People's Political Consultative Conference and president of Nantong University, said that in order to give full play to the decision-making support function of the intelligent transportation system, it is necessary to integrate data resources such as urban transportation equipment detection data, Internet data, government data and camera video data, and dig out information that has important reference value for traffic management decisions.

Green transformation ensures steady progress

Since entering the "14th Five-Year Plan", the country has vigorously promoted the green development process, put forward the "dual carbon" goals, and promulgated "green policies". By building a green supply chain, it has implemented new development concepts and promoted high-quality economic development.

"Green waves" are coming one after another, and the green transformation of the industry is urgent. Wang Changshun, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the 中文 People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the China Air Transport Association, continues to pay attention to the "carbon reduction" cause of civil aviation. "Accelerating the development of the sustainable aviation fuel industry is the fundamental way to solve the problem of aviation carbon emissions." Wang Changshun believes that the research and development and application of sustainable aviation fuels are important means to enhance my country's civil aviation "decarbonization" capabilities, safeguard the rights and interests of industry development, and expand the space for industry development. It can orderly, forcefully and effectively ensure the deep "decarbonization" of my country's civil aviation and help the country achieve the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Don't plant pines in the south city, and don't break willows in the north palace. The government work report pointed out that we should orderly promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality; implement the carbon peak action plan; promote energy revolution, ensure energy supply, and promote low-carbon energy transformation based on resource endowments, adhere to building before breaking, and make overall plans.

"A green and low-carbon special development strategy has been identified in the strategic plan of CSC Group. In the fields of clean energy, green shipping, energy conservation and carbon reduction, relevant strategic goals and measures will be improved, and the implementation of the plan will be further implemented. In accordance with the "Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Transport on Promoting the Development of Green Shipping in the Yangtze River Economic Belt", the development goals have been preliminarily clarified." Zhang Rui introduced that this year CSC Group will focus on the golden waterway of the Yangtze River, strengthen green and low-carbon development, implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important strategic thoughts on promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, accelerate the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

"I suggest establishing a coordinated promotion mechanism, led by the transportation department, and coordinated by the development and reform, education, science and technology, industry and information technology, finance and other departments. Regular meetings should be held to study and resolve difficulties encountered in the promotion and strengthen overall coordination." Wang Chuanlin, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of China Railway (Shanghai) Investment Group Co., Ltd., suggested that policy support should be given to transportation emission reduction, green and intelligent construction should be included in key research and development and other scientific and technological plan projects, and preferential policies such as financial support and loan interest subsidies should be provided, and the research and development and application of green building technologies in the transportation field should be strengthened.

Cross-border integration stimulates new momentum

Integration transformation, regional cooperation, and industrial integration have become the "wealth code" for integrated development in many regions. For example, Xuwen County is the "bridgehead" for Guangdong to connect and serve the Hainan Free Trade Port. The construction of a special cooperation zone in Xuwen between Guangdong and Hainan provinces plays an important role in promoting industrial integration, division of labor and cooperation, staggered development, complementary advantages, and win-win cooperation between the two provinces.

Ning Ling, deputy to the National People's Congress and vice president of Guangdong Ocean University, suggested that, drawing on the development positioning of the Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, Guangdong and Hainan provinces can use the resources of the two places and complement each other's advantages to promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hainan (Xuwen) Special Cooperation Zone and the coordinated development of the north and south banks of the Qiongzhou Strait, and help the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port. For example, Guangdong and Hainan provinces can jointly build a passenger and cargo distribution service area in Xuwen, strengthen the construction of passenger and cargo distribution infrastructure, and build a world-class modern passenger and cargo distribution system.

In addition to regional resource integration, cross-border integration of the transportation industry has also become a key area of ​​concern for many deputies and members. Luo Xia, a deputy to the National People's Congress and a professor at the School of Transportation and Logistics of Southwest Jiaotong University, said that it is necessary to adhere to systematic thinking to promote cross-border integration of transportation and actively utilize natural resources, red culture, scenic spots and other resources along the transportation lines.