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Liaoning focuses on promoting 74 transportation projects this year
Liaoning focuses on promoting 74 transportation projects this year
date: 2021-03-30 14:05 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

The reporter learned from the Liaoning Provincial Transportation Key Work Promotion Meeting that Liaoning will focus on promoting 74 transportation projects this year. At present, the ongoing projects have been resumed one after another, and the overall progress of the newly started projects has exceeded expectations.

At present, Liaoning is actively promoting the coordinated development of the "One Circle, One Belt, Two Districts" region, creating a four-in-one international channel on sea, land, air and Internet, and putting forward new requirements for transportation interconnection. This year, Liaoning plans to focus on implementing five expressway projects. Among them, the fourth phase of the Shenkang Expressway is expected to be completed and opened to traffic before the end of September, the Fuxin-Naiman Expressway has started construction, the feasibility study report of the Beijing-Harbin Expressway expansion and reconstruction project has been completed, the environmental impact assessment, stability assessment and other work are progressing in an orderly manner, and the Lingsui Expressway has completed the bidding for PPP consulting agencies.

In terms of ordinary roads, Liaoning plans to build and renovate 2,300 kilometers of trunk roads and 6,500 kilometers of rural roads. At present, the construction drawing design and review work of the trunk road construction and renovation projects have been basically completed, and the construction bidding stage has been fully entered. It is expected that construction will start in May. Rural road construction projects account for nearly 40%, and 605 renovation projects have completed construction drawing design, accounting for 41.9%.

Liaoning will also implement five railway construction projects and build 20 transport stations. The Chaoyang-Lingyang Passenger Dedicated Line will strive to open for operation in July, the Shenyang-Baihe High-speed Railway will strive to start construction of the entire line before July 1, the Taoxian Airport section of the Shenyang-Dandong Railway will ensure that it will start construction within the year, and the capacity expansion and reconstruction project of the Phoenix City to Jinshan Bay section of the Shenyang-Dandong Railway is expected to be completed and opened to traffic by the end of the year; projects such as the Dalian North Station Comprehensive Hub have resumed work, and projects such as the Chaoyang High-speed Railway North Station, Liaoyang Hedong Comprehensive Passenger Transport Hub (Phase II), and Anshan Xiliu Logistics Park are preparing to resume work, and are expected to resume work in full in April and be completed by the end of the year.

Port integration needs to do a good job in the "second half of the article". The public waterway project of Rongxing Port Area of ​​Panjin Port and the first phase of the steel and miscellaneous berth reconstruction project of Bayuquan Port Area of ​​Yingkou Port are preparing for resumption of work. The LNG supporting terminal projects of Xianrendao Port Area of ​​Yingkou Port and Suizhong Port Area of ​​Huludao Port are going through the approval procedures. The 302 and 303 liquid bulk cargo berth projects of Jinzhou Port are carrying out pre-construction preparations such as bidding and are expected to start in the first half of this year.