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Young volunteers in traffic planning warm people's hearts
Young volunteers in traffic planning warm people's hearts
date: 2021-04-27 16:18 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

To learn the history of the Party and do practical things, southern Jiangxi is a classroom everywhere.

From April 20 to 23, the Planning Institute of the Ministry of Transport carried out the "Youth Volunteer Service in Transportation Planning in Southern Jiangxi - Going to Anyuan, Jiangxi to Carry out Party History Learning Education and Technical Assistance" research activity in accordance with the key task arrangement of "I Do Practical Things for the People", and solidly promoted the party history learning education to be vigorous and effective.

Focus on technical assistance to do practical things for the people

Anyuan County is located in the southern part of Jiangxi Province. In 2014, the Ministry of Transport established a long-term mechanism for counterpart support and began a comprehensive and three-dimensional road of assistance. As a key member of the "national team" for transportation planning research, the Party Committee of the Ministry's Planning Institute included technical assistance to Anyuan County in the list of "I do practical things for the people".

In March this year, relevant leaders from the Comprehensive Institute and Logistics Institute of the Ministry's Planning Institute led teams to conduct inspections and investigations many times, laying a practical foundation for Anyuan County to scientifically formulate the "14th Five-Year Plan" comprehensive transportation development plan, create a county-level transportation power demonstration model implementation plan, and conduct urban and rural smart logistics development assessments and recommendations.

"We will focus on implementing the external fast channel unblocking project, the county transportation network quality improvement project, the urban-rural transportation integration benefit project, the characteristic agricultural product distribution center logistics project, the transportation and tourism integration project, and the county transportation governance innovation project." At the symposium on the transportation planning youth volunteer service in southern Jiangxi held on April 21, Sun Xiangjun, chief engineer of the Comprehensive Institute of the Ministry of Planning, reported on the six major projects, which provided consulting opinions for building the Anyuan model of the high-quality development demonstration zone in the old revolutionary base areas. Ji Xu of the Highway Institute of the Ministry of Planning said: "During the '14th Five-Year Plan' period, it is of great significance to do a good job in top-level design. We have the obligation to give full play to our professional advantages and contribute to the high-quality development of transportation in the old revolutionary base areas."

The key to carrying out party history learning and education is to learn knowledge, promote action with knowledge, and integrate knowledge and action. On April 22, a delegation from the Ministry of Planning and Research Institute went deep into the Dongjiang E-commerce Industrial Park in Anyuan County, the Banjing Village E-commerce 5G Live Broadcast Base, the Hezi Town E-commerce Operation Center, and the Yangjia Village Transportation Service Station for research. Li Tao, deputy director of the Logistics Institute of the Ministry of Planning and Research Institute, suggested that Anyuan County should systematically summarize the experience of the three-in-one urban and rural smart logistics model of "smart park + smart express line + digital platform", and expand a variety of investment and operation models to promote development in the entire county. These suggestions have been recognized by the relevant person in charge of Dongjiang E-commerce Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Anyuan is not far away, and the scenery is right in front of us. Yang Wenyin, director of the Ministry of Planning Institute, said that in the next step, the institute will improve three consulting reports based on this field investigation and exchanges with relevant county units, and complete technical assistance with high quality.

Revisiting the Red Site to Deepen the Party History Study and Education

Southern Jiangxi is an important turning point in the history of the people's army, an important frontier position in the Central Soviet Area's struggle against "encirclement and suppression", and an important birthplace of the Soviet Area spirit. During this investigation, the Ministry's Planning Institute revisited the revolutionary sites, commemorated the revolutionary martyrs, and guided the majority of young people to strengthen their ideals and beliefs.

In the Tianxin Military Reorganization Exhibition Hall in Anyuan County, historical documents quietly tell the military reorganization deeds of Zhu De, Chen Yi and other older generation revolutionaries. Zhang Jinmeng from the Information Institute of the Ministry of Planning said after visiting the Tianxin Military Reorganization Exhibition Hall: "Looking back on the Tianxin Military Reorganization, we have a deeper understanding that no matter how the times change, we should remain firm and conscious and be firm believers and faithful practitioners of the lofty ideals of communism and the common ideals of socialism with 中文 characteristics."

In October 1934, the main force of the Red Army, 86,000 people, crossed the Yudu River and took the first step of the 25,000-mile Long March. "On the new Long March, the original intention will always be the spiritual beacon. We must draw courage from the source of the revolutionary spirit to overcome difficulties and walk the Long March of contemporary people." Wang Honglei from the Party Office of the Ministry of Planning said that as a party worker, he will apply what he has learned, do his job well, and better serve the center of the institute.

During the investigation, the transportation planning youth volunteer service team in southern Jiangxi also carried out donation activities to support education and serve the people in the Soviet area; they opened a red "micro-classroom" to draw motivation for continuous progress from the spirit of the Long March.