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Shanxi promotes the construction of "four good rural roads" and three No. 1 tourist roads
Shanxi promotes the construction of "four good rural roads" and three No. 1 tourist roads
date: 2021-07-16 10:26 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

"Doing a good job in the construction of 'four good rural roads' and tourist roads is an inevitable requirement for serving and integrating into the construction of a new development pattern, an important part of improving rural infrastructure and building beautiful villages, and a strong support for promoting industrial transformation and developing all-round tourism." On July 13, Lan Fuan, deputy secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and governor, emphasized this at a meeting on promoting the construction of "four good rural roads" and three No. 1 tourist roads across the province held by the provincial government.

This is the third time since the Shanxi Provincial Government issued the planning outline for the three major tourist highways of the Yellow River, the Great Wall and Taihang in September 2018 that three consecutive provincial governors have expressed hope and made arrangements for the high-quality development of the three No. 1 tourist highways of the Yellow River, the Great Wall and Taihang.

The purpose of this meeting is to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on "four good rural roads" and the spirit of his important speech during his inspection of Shanxi, and to make arrangements for the high-quality promotion of rural road construction in the province during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Shanxi will invest 120 billion yuan to newly build and renovate "four good rural roads" and three No. 1 tourist roads for 29,400 kilometers.

Coordinate the "three relationships" and grasp the "six requirements"

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Shanxi Province invested 68.4 billion yuan to build and renovate 74,800 kilometers of rural roads, simultaneously implemented 25,000 kilometers of highway safety and life protection projects, and renovated 388 dangerous bridges, completely solving a number of problems such as "oil return", "dead-end roads" and "bottleneck roads", and built a rural road network that covers a wide range, reaches all around, is safe and convenient; invested 32.2 billion yuan to build three No. 1 tourist highways with a total length of 3,469 kilometers, including 1,615 kilometers of Yellow River No. 1, 789 kilometers of Great Wall No. 1, and 1,065 kilometers of Taihang No. 1, connecting 66 A-level and above scenic spots and covering 130 non-A-level attractions. Tourist highways have become an important support for Shanxi's transformation and development.

Lan Foan affirmed the achievements made in the construction of "four good rural roads" and tourist roads in Shanxi during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period and pointed out that the promotion of the construction of "four good rural roads" and tourist roads must coordinate the "three relationships" of speed and quality, market operation and government guidance, construction and maintenance, and enriching the people and increasing their income, and grasp the "six requirements". First, we must reflect high quality, establish a credit evaluation system with quality as the core, and promote the transformation of rural road development from scale and speed to quality and efficiency. Second, we must adhere to high standards, improve institutional norms, improve technical standards, apply modern information technology, and improve the digital level of all elements and the whole cycle of rural transportation facilities. Third, we must build green roads, strengthen ecological protection along the route, achieve green construction, do a good job in ecological restoration, and promote the coordinated coexistence and harmonious coexistence of road network construction and natural ecosystems. Fourth, we must read the sutra of enriching the people, adhere to local materials and local labor, and actively expand the channels for farmers to increase their income. Fifth, we must keep the safety line, strictly implement the system of simultaneous design, construction, and commissioning of rural transportation safety facilities and road construction main projects, carry out safety "danger elimination" actions in a solid manner, and promote village road safety life protection and other projects. Sixth, we must strictly control the integrity of the party, vigorously promote the "seven public" system, and build sunshine projects and clean projects.

Building a comprehensive tourism transportation network

Shanxi will focus on the four key links of rural road construction, management, maintenance and transportation to make up for shortcomings, strengthen weaknesses and establish mechanisms.

Lan Fuan pointed out that, first, we should speed up the construction of rural road network. On the basis of hardened roads in towns and established villages, we should focus on entering villages and households, promote the organic connection between village roads, rural roads and trunk roads, and accelerate the upgrading of road facilities; open up the main channels of the three major tourism sectors, organically connect railways, roads and aviation, and build a comprehensive tourism transportation network. Second, we should enrich management methods. We should fully implement the "road chief system", implement grid management of county roads under county management and rural roads under rural management, promote the downward shift of management focus and power, and strengthen the legal governance of rural transportation. Third, we should strengthen daily maintenance. We should establish maintenance and management institutions with county offices, township stations and village staff, improve the maintenance system and mechanism that organically combines government support with market-oriented operation, and the maintenance fund guarantee mechanism with fiscal investment as the main source and multi-channel fundraising as the supplement. Fourth, we should improve operational efficiency. Consolidate the achievements of passenger bus access in established villages, develop rural logistics, and implement resource roads, tourism roads and industrial roads according to local conditions.

Lan Fuan also made requirements for building tourist roads into high-quality roads, functional roads, demonstration roads, and smart roads. He proposed that all levels and departments should strengthen organizational leadership, factor guarantee, and follow-up implementation to ensure the completion of the "14th Five-Year Plan" rural road construction goals and strive to write a new chapter in the development of rural transportation in Shanxi in the new era.

According to the deployment, by 2025, Shanxi will basically build a rural road network with "reasonable layout, connecting villages and towns, safety and convenience, high-quality services, and green economy", and achieve 100% of natural villages with 30 households or more with hardened roads, 100% of townships with third-level and above roads, 100% of counties with urban-rural passenger transport integration level reaching 3A or above, and basically achieve logistics and express delivery access to established villages with conditions; three No. 1 tourist highways will be fully built, and a full-region tourism transportation network with "city-scenery connection and scenery-scenery connection" will be built.