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The two departments issued the assessment and evaluation standards for the green travel creation action
The two departments issued the assessment and evaluation standards for the green travel creation action
date: 2021-11-04 13:33 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

Recently, the Ministry of Transport and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Green Travel Creation Action Assessment and Evaluation Standards" (hereinafter referred to as the "Evaluation Standards") to better guide various regions to deepen the green travel creation action, strengthen classified guidance for different types of cities, give full play to the leading role of demonstration creation, and prepare for the organization of assessment and evaluation in 2022.

The Evaluation Standards assess and evaluate green travel cities from two aspects: the completion of the implementation plan and the completion of the creation goals. The full score is 100 points, and a score of 80 or more is considered qualified. Among them, the full score for the implementation plan is 40 points, and the effectiveness of the creation work is evaluated from four aspects: policy system and mechanism guarantee, infrastructure construction, transportation service innovation, and publicity and cultural construction.

According to the "Evaluation Standards", the creation target completion status section includes 10 indicators, including the proportion of green travel, green travel service satisfaction rate, urban public transportation motorized travel share rate, new energy and clean energy bus proportion, new and updated new energy and clean energy bus proportion, average operating speed of public buses and trams during peak hours in the morning and evening, new and updated low-floor and low-entry urban bus proportion, real-time forecast rate of public bus and tram incoming information, sidewalk setting proportion, and special indicators, with a full score of 60 points.

In July last year, the Ministry of Transport, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, organized a nationwide green travel creation campaign. As of June this year, 109 cities in 28 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have applied for the creation of green travel.