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Shandong's rural roads improve quality and efficiency through "four improvements"
Shandong's rural roads improve quality and efficiency through "four improvements"
date: 2021-11-16 09:09 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

On November 9, Shandong Province held a video conference to promote the deployment of the "Four Good Rural Roads" quality improvement and efficiency enhancement work, further clarifying the key tasks of the province's "Four Good Rural Roads" quality improvement and efficiency enhancement special action, requiring the "four improvements" of management and maintenance execution, service and rural revitalization support, safety and smoothness guarantee, and construction quality supervision. By the end of this year, Shandong will strive to establish a management and maintenance organization system that fully covers county and rural roads.

In June this year, Shandong issued the "Provincial Special Action Plan for Improving the Quality and Efficiency of "Four Good Rural Roads", proposing that by 2025, a rural road system with a reasonable layout, connecting villages, fast and smooth, high-quality services, safety and greenness will be built, all established villages will have access to public buses, farmers will have access to hardened roads, and the rural logistics accessibility rate and road maintenance rate will reach 100%. This meeting requires the focus on the guarantee of factors such as funds and land, strict supervision and assessment, and active guidance of mass participation to ensure that the special action for improving the quality and efficiency of "Four Good Rural Roads" achieves practical results.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Shandong will continue to promote the "five major projects" of road network improvement, "household-to-household access", safety assurance, integrated development model, and transportation service upgrade, and establish a long-term mechanism for rural road management and maintenance with government guidance and support and extensive participation of the masses. By the end of this year, Shandong will fully establish a management and maintenance system covering county, township, and village roads, forming a new model of rural road management and maintenance with "county-level guidance, township-level responsibility, market maintenance, and village cleaning."

In response to the "household-to-household" problems discovered during the State Council's large-scale inspection, Shandong will conduct a comprehensive investigation of similar problems, establish a ledger, formulate rectification plans, and rectify and close the cases within a time limit; it will firmly grasp the implementation principles of "household-to-household" and coordinate the promotion of hardening work for villages that have not yet implemented hardened roads to households, based on respecting the wishes of the people.