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Deeply grasp the historical mission of being a pioneer in China's modernization—
Deeply grasp the historical mission of being a pioneer in China's modernization—
date: 2021-12-28 10:34 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that transportation has become a pioneer in China's modernization. This has endowed transportation in the new era with a new historical mission. We must deeply grasp it, keep in mind the instructions, and get a good answer on the new road to the exam.

We must deeply grasp the strategic positioning of being a pioneer in China's modernization. On the new journey, all walks of life must achieve modernization. Being a pioneer in China's modernization requires taking the lead in realizing the modernization of transportation, providing more powerful support, stronger guarantees, and more beneficial exploration for the country's modernization. This requires transportation to take the lead in action, be moderately ahead in ability, take the lead in development, and take the lead in role, so as to take the lead, break new ground, and make new contributions to the country's modernization.

We must deeply grasp the fundamental principles for being a pioneer in China's modernization. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to transportation and made a series of important expositions, profoundly answering a series of major issues such as the development positioning, development strategy, development purpose, development concept, development goal, development theme, development cooperation, development mode, and development guarantee of transportation. It has pointed out the direction for the development of transportation in the new era and provided a fundamental principle for being a pioneer in China's modernization. We must learn deeply, implement it in detail, and see results.

We must deeply understand the requirements of the times to be a pioneer in China's modernization. To be a pioneer in China's modernization, we must follow the trend of world modernization, conform to the characteristics of my country's modernization, and accelerate the modernization of transportation. We must adhere to the principle of "interconnecting with the world and connecting with the times", focus on building a transportation system with a huge scale and strong guarantees, provide inclusive and high-quality transportation services that satisfy the people, have both soft and hard transportation strengths that are at the forefront of the world, form a green, low-carbon, innovation-led transportation mode, and build a transportation network that is interconnected and interoperable, so that people can enjoy their travel and goods can flow smoothly.

We must deeply grasp the practical ways to be a pioneer in China's modernization. Modernization is a long-term historical process that is constantly evolving. To promote the modernization of transportation, we do not need to start from scratch, but to deeply understand and implement the strategy of building a strong transportation country from a modern perspective. We must pay close attention to the implementation of the Outline for Building a Strong Transportation Country and the Outline for the National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning, take the construction of a modern comprehensive transportation system as the core task, and realize the modernization of transportation infrastructure, technical equipment, transportation services, industry governance and talent teams as key areas. We must promote the intelligent, green, integrated, human-oriented, shared and globalized transportation as an important path, and deepen reform, innovation-driven, open cooperation as the driving force to ensure that the goals and tasks established in the "two outlines" are completed with higher standards, and embark on a new path for the modernization of 中文-style transportation.

Deeply grasp the spiritual power contained in being a pioneer in China's modernization. "Pioneer" is both a strategic positioning and a spiritual requirement, which profoundly explains the core essence of the transportation spirit of the new era. "Pioneering" is a refinement and sublimation of the rich connotation of the transportation spirit of the new era represented by the "two roads" spirit, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway spirit, the fighting spirit of the builders of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the spirit of the "hero crew of China Civil Aviation", and the "little bee" spirit of postal express delivery; "pioneer" is a distinctive symbol of the spiritual characteristics of our party as the vanguard of the working class, the 中文 nation and the 中文 people. The "pioneer" spirit melts the transportation spirit of the new era into the spiritual spectrum of the party with the great party-building spirit as the source. In essence, it is a spirit of opening roads and building bridges when encountering mountains and rivers, a spirit of pioneering and innovating, hard work, a spirit of being willing to be a stepping stone and serving and dedicating, and a spirit of daring to be the first and bravely climbing to the top. We must vigorously promote the transportation spirit of the new era with the "pioneer" spirit as the soul, pursue dreams, bravely be pioneers, and work tirelessly to realize the 中文 dream of the great rejuvenation of the 中文 nation!