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Central Document No. 1: Carry out demonstration creation of urban and rural transportation integration
Central Document No. 1: Carry out demonstration creation of urban and rural transportation integration
date: 2021-03-02 13:37 author: admin Browse:

Recently, the 2021 Central Document No. 1, "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating Agricultural and Rural Modernization" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), was officially released. This is the 18th Central Document No. 1 guiding the "Three Rural Issues" since the 21st century. The "Opinions" made arrangements for transportation from multiple aspects such as strengthening the construction of rural transportation infrastructure.

The Opinions proposes to implement rural road access projects. Implement hardened roads in natural villages (groups) with larger populations in an orderly manner. Strengthen the construction of rural resource roads, industrial roads, tourist roads and village main roads. Promote rural road construction projects to be more inclined to villages and households. Continue to support the development of rural roads in accordance with regulations through channels such as central vehicle purchase tax subsidies to local funds, transfer payments from refined oil tax reforms, and local government bonds. Continue to carry out the demonstration creation of "Four Good Rural Roads". Fully implement the road manager system. Carry out demonstration creation work for urban and rural transportation integration. Strengthen the investigation of safety hazards of rural roads and bridges, and implement the main responsibility of management and maintenance. Strengthen rural road traffic safety supervision.

The Opinions clearly stated that we should build a modern rural industrial system, promote the construction of public welfare agricultural product markets and agricultural product circulation backbone networks; develop leisure agriculture and rural tourism boutique routes, and improve supporting facilities. We should comprehensively promote rural consumption, accelerate the improvement of the three-level rural logistics system of counties, towns and villages, transform and upgrade rural express logistics infrastructure, deeply promote e-commerce into rural areas and agricultural products out of villages and into cities, and promote the effective connection between urban and rural production and consumption; accelerate the implementation of agricultural product storage and preservation cold chain logistics facility construction projects, and promote the construction of small-scale storage and preservation cold chain facilities at the field, low-temperature direct sales distribution centers at the production site, and national backbone cold chain logistics bases. Strengthen the construction of service facilities such as village-level passenger stations.