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Beijing Post unveils first "Nuanfeng Station"
Beijing Post unveils first "Nuanfeng Station"
date: 2021-05-12 17:14 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

On May 11, the first "Warm Bee Station" of Beijing Branch of China Post Group Co., Ltd. (Beijing Post) was unveiled at Fuwai Street Post Office of Xicheng District Post Branch (Xicheng Post), and Xicheng Post's 2021 "Warm Bee Action" to care for young express delivery workers was officially launched. "Warm Bee Station" provides free rest areas, drinking water, mobile phone charging, microwave heating and other services for express delivery workers across the industry.

Chen Yadong, deputy director of the Beijing West District Postal Administration, and Li He, deputy general manager of the West City Post, jointly unveiled the first "Warm Bee Station for Caring for Couriers" brand of Beijing Post. It is understood that a total of 10 postal outlets in the West City District participated in the unveiling. The "Warm Bee Station" is a pragmatic move by the West District Postal Administration and the West City Post to thoroughly implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on caring for "courier brothers" and to effectively promote the work of caring for couriers (deliverymen) and the "Warm Bee Action" of the State Post Bureau.

Young express delivery representatives from China Post, SF Express, JD Logistics, Yunda Express, STO Express and other companies participated in the event. "The establishment of the 'Nuanfeng Station' provides a resting place for the 'express delivery guys' in the entire industry, allowing everyone to deeply feel the care from China Post for front-line express delivery workers, and also increases our confidence in the postal express delivery industry." Chang Liang, a deliveryman from Xicheng Post, said excitedly.