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Li Xiaopeng presided over the Ministry’s executive meeting and stressed the need to accelerate the industry’s move towards digitalization.
Li Xiaopeng presided over the Ministry’s executive meeting and stressed the need to accelerate the industry’s move towards digitalization.
date: 2021-05-20 16:03 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

5moon19On the same day, Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport, presided over a ministerial meeting to convey and study the relevant spirit of the central government, continue to study the preparations for the second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference, and deliberate on the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Digital Transportation", "14th Five-Year Plan for the Construction of Transportation Support Systems", and "Guiding Opinions on Financial Auditing Work in Transportation during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period".

The meeting pointed out thatDuring the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the transportation industry took data as the key factor, accelerated the construction of key and demonstration projects for the industry's informatization, continuously improved the level of digital development of transportation informatization, and achieved positive results. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we must thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, accurately grasp the new situation and new requirements for the development of digital transportation, adhere to the principles of demand-oriented, service-oriented, efficiency-first, overall planning, coordinated linkage, co-construction and sharing, deepen reform, integration and innovation, ensure safety, and have strong prevention and control, and accelerate the development of the transportation industry towards digitalization, networking, and intelligence.

The meeting stressed that we must adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, make the achievements of digital transportation development more and better benefit the people, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. We must adhere to demand orientation, insist on the coordinated efforts of the government and the market, innovate development mechanisms, enhance innovation vitality, improve service models, continuously enhance new service formats, meet new consumer needs, expand new scenarios, promote new consumption, form new momentum, create new value, improve transportation infrastructure, travel and logistics service quality, and improve the efficiency of transportation government services.

The meeting required that we should coordinate and implement key tasks, divide the work, cooperate and promote in a coordinated manner to build a comprehensive transportation system."Data Brain" builds a new integrated transportation infrastructure network and deploys Beidou,5GWe will build an integrated digital travel network, a multimodal smart logistics network, upgrade the modern industry management information network, foster a digital transportation innovation and development system, and build a comprehensive network security prevention system to ensure the effective implementation of all planned tasks.

The meeting pointed out thatDuring the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the transportation support system focused on departmental responsibilities and key tasks, and made every effort to promote water transportation safety supervision and rescue, highway emergency response, scientific research and education, and new information infrastructure.4We have built capacity in various professional fields and achieved remarkable results.

The meeting stressed thatDuring the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the role of the support system in serving the implementation of national strategies will become more prominent, the task of accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country and building a national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network will be more arduous, the work of improving the efficiency of industry management will be more arduous, and the need to accelerate high-quality development will be more urgent. The construction of the support system should optimize the layout, adjust the structure, adapt to development, accelerate innovation, and continue to exert efforts. We must coordinate and cooperate to implement key tasks and continuously improve the performance and service capabilities of various departments and units through the construction of the support system.

The meeting requiredThe financial audit work of transportation during the 14th Five-Year Plan period should be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era, deepen the implementation of the national fiscal and taxation system reform and audit supervision requirements, perform all work in accordance with the law, innovate and expand diversified financing channels, prevent and resolve debt risks in the transportation industry, strengthen financial management and audit supervision, and comprehensively improve financial audit guarantee capabilities and service levels, so as to provide strong guarantees for promoting high-quality development of transportation and accelerating the construction of a strong transportation nation.

The meeting also studied other matters.

The leaders of the Ministry and the chief engineer of the Ministry in Beijing attended the meeting. The responsible persons of the relevant departments and subordinate units of the Ministry also attended the meeting as observers.