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"Good Life on the Road" Xinjiang Transportation Achievements Media Integration Theme
"Good Life on the Road" Xinjiang Transportation Achievements Media Integration Theme
date: 2021-05-25 17:23 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

On May 24, the "Good Life on the Road" Xinjiang Transportation Achievements Integrated Media Theme Promotion Activity was officially launched in Urumqi. The integrated media interview team composed of our reporters and online "big V" will go deep into the construction of major transportation projects in the autonomous region, rural tourism roads, "Visit, Benefit and Gather" village-based poverty alleviation sites and other front-line sites, give full play to the advantages of in-depth integrated development of media, explore good transportation stories in all aspects, and show the brilliant achievements of Xinjiang's transportation development in three dimensions through text, pictures, videos and other means.

Li Xuedong, Party Secretary and Deputy Director of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Transportation Department, said at the symposium on the media integration theme publicity activities that it is of great significance to carry out the "Good Life on the Road" Xinjiang Transportation Achievements Media Integration Theme Publicity on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. We must further enhance our ideological understanding, improve our political stance, innovate publicity methods, expand communication channels, and comprehensively and multi-levelly demonstrate the outstanding contributions made by Xinjiang's transportation construction and development to promoting the autonomous region's economic and social development, maintaining national unity, and promoting social stability, and strive to create a more positive atmosphere for accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country and achieving the overall goal of social stability and long-term peace in Xinjiang.

This media-integrated theme publicity activity is guided by the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Transport, co-sponsored by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Department of Transport and China Communications News Agency, undertaken by Xinjiang Communications Investment Group, and jointly planned and implemented by China Media Group (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Sina Weibo. The media-integrated theme publicity activity is divided into three stages: early interviews, mid-term shooting, and post-launching. While vigorously carrying out on-the-go media-integrated reporting, it will also specially shoot and produce high-quality feature films, documentary shorts, and a series of short videos.

Yang Zhong, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Department of Transportation, presided over the symposium. The heads of relevant departments of China Communications News Agency and Guangdong Provincial Radio and Television respectively introduced the relevant situation of the integrated media theme publicity activities.

It is understood that in recent years, the transportation industry in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has achieved leapfrog development. The total mileage of expressways in the region has reached 5,555 kilometers, and all prefectures, cities and municipalities have entered the expressway era; the total mileage of rural roads has reached 146,800 kilometers, and all townships and qualified villages have 100% access to hardened roads and passenger buses.