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Strive to promote transportation and be a pioneer in China's modernization
Strive to promote transportation and be a pioneer in China's modernization
date: 2021-11-25 09:32 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

On November 24, the People's Daily published a signed article by the CPC Ministry of Transport Party Committee titled "Strive to Promote Transportation to Be a Pioneer in China's Modernization", which thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of President Xi Jinping's keynote speech at the Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference. This newspaper reprinted the full article today, please pay attention.

From October 14 to 16, the second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference was successfully held in Beijing. President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the conference via video and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Connecting with the World and Connecting with the Times to Stride Forward on the Road of Sustainable Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Keynote Speech"). Standing at the height of the general trend of world development and the future and destiny of mankind, President Xi Jinping, with a broad global vision, profound historical perspective, lofty strategic thinking, and broad world sentiment, put forward important initiatives, announced practical measures, and demonstrated China's responsibility, pointing out the direction for the development of global sustainable transportation. We must carefully study the keynote speech and resolutely implement it.

Deeply understand the great significance of the keynote speech

President Xi Jinping's keynote speech was profound and broad-minded, and it built consensus and inspired people to make progress, injecting strong impetus into promoting global transport cooperation.

It has further gathered broad consensus for building a community with a shared future for mankind and a community with a shared future for global development. The keynote speech sent out a strong voice of the times for building a community with a shared future for global development and a community with a shared future for mankind, which has aroused warm response and broad resonance from the international community and expanded the "concentric circle" for maintaining multilateralism.

It has injected strong impetus into promoting global sustainable development and global transportation cooperation. President Xi Jinping proposed the idea of ​​promoting global transportation cooperation and announced the establishment of the China International Sustainable Transportation Innovation and Knowledge Center, which fully demonstrated China's positive role and historical responsibility as an important builder, participant and contributor to global sustainable transportation.

It provides a fundamental guideline for promoting the sustainable development of my country's transportation and accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country. President Xi Jinping introduced the successful practice of China's sustainable development of transportation and emphasized that "transportation has become a pioneer in China's modernization." These important statements provide a fundamental guideline for promoting more sustainable and higher-quality development of my country's transportation and gather tremendous strength for accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country.

Deeply study and understand the rich connotations and profound thoughts of the keynote speech

President Xi Jinping's keynote speech connects history, reality and the future. It is rich in content and profound in thought. It is highly ideological, instructive and targeted. We must study and understand it in depth and effectively enhance our political, ideological and behavioral awareness in its implementation.

Deeply grasp the important concept of "intersecting with the world and connecting with the times". From ancient times to the present, transportation has always carried the dream of mankind to break through the constraints of time and space. With the development of transportation, the time and space distance of human communication has been continuously compressed. As President Xi Jinping emphasized, "Transportation promotes economic integration and cultural exchanges, making the world a closely connected 'global village'" and "intersecting with the world and connecting with the times", which profoundly expounds the essential connotation of transportation and the relationship between transportation and development from the dimensions of history and reality. At present, the superposition of a century of changes and a century of epidemics has brought serious challenges to the development of the world economy and the improvement of people's livelihood. Only by adhering to the intersection with the world and connecting with the times can we promote the efficient allocation of global resources, reduce global transaction costs, promote the recovery of the world economy, and promote the sustainable development of mankind.

Deeply grasp China's proposition of promoting global transportation cooperation. President Xi Jinping pointed out that "we must follow the general trend of world development, promote global transportation cooperation, and write a new chapter of infrastructure connectivity, unimpeded trade and investment, and integration and communication of civilizations." He clearly put forward China's proposition of "five insistences", which provides scientific guidance for responding to global challenges, deepening transportation cooperation, and promoting sustainable transportation development. We must adhere to open linkage, promote interconnection, strengthen the "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and the "soft connectivity" of systems and rules, promote the "four-in-one" interconnection of land, sea, air, and network, and promote economic globalization in a more open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced, and win-win direction. We must adhere to common development, promote fairness and inclusiveness, give play to the leading role of transportation, increase investment in transportation in poor areas, and let the economy and people's livelihood in poor areas prosper because of roads. We must adhere to innovation-driven, enhance development momentum, vigorously develop smart transportation and smart logistics, promote the deep integration of new technologies such as big data, the Internet, artificial intelligence, and blockchain with the transportation industry, so that people can enjoy their travel and goods can flow smoothly. We must give priority to ecology, achieve green and low-carbon development, accelerate the formation of green and low-carbon transportation modes, strengthen green infrastructure construction, promote new energy, intelligent, digital, and lightweight transportation equipment, and encourage and guide green travel. We must adhere to multilateralism, improve global governance, safeguard the authority and status of the United Nations, and comprehensively promote cooperation in poverty reduction, health, transportation and logistics, and infrastructure construction around the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Deeply grasp the 中文 wisdom and responsibility in promoting the development of global sustainable transportation. President Xi Jinping pointed out that "since the founding of the People's Republic of China, generations of people have built roads across mountains and bridges across rivers, built a major transportation country, and are accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country." He also summarized the major achievements and successful experiences of China's transportation development from the aspects of insisting on transportation first, insisting on innovation-driven, and insisting on transportation as the world. These achievements and experiences are not only China's important contributions to the development of global sustainable transportation, but also provide important reference for other countries to promote transportation development. In particular, President Xi Jinping proposed in his keynote speech that "China will continue to promote high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative" and "China will establish the China International Sustainable Transportation Innovation and Knowledge Center to contribute to global transportation development", which further reflects China's responsibility to make greater contributions to global development while achieving its own development.

Promote high-quality development of transportation and accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country

Promoting the sustainable development of transportation based on the new development stage is essentially to promote the high-quality development of transportation, accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country, and serve as a pioneer for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Vigorously promote connectivity and actively serve the high-quality development of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". Actively promote infrastructure connectivity with neighboring countries and promote the facilitation of international road transport. Firmly implement a wider range, wider areas, and deeper level of opening up and international cooperation in transportation, make every effort to ensure the stability and smooth flow of the international logistics supply chain, and accelerate the formation of a new pattern of open cooperation in transportation that is global, mutually beneficial, and win-win.

We should strive to build transportation that satisfies the people and provide solid transportation guarantees for achieving common prosperity. We should vigorously promote the high-quality development of "four good rural roads" and promote transportation construction projects to be inclined to villages and households. We should improve the level of equalization of urban and rural transportation public services and continuously improve the level of transportation services that are convenient, beneficial and beneficial to the people. We should improve the barrier-free travel service system, improve the level of refined transportation services, firmly hold the bottom line of safe development, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

We should further promote innovation-driven development and vigorously develop smart transportation and smart logistics. We should adhere to innovation-driven development, focus on technology empowerment, fight hard to overcome key core technologies, and promote transportation to improve efficiency, expand functions, and increase momentum. We should vigorously develop smart transportation and smart logistics, strengthen the construction of new transportation infrastructure, promote the standardized, healthy and stable development of new transportation formats, promote the deep integration of new technologies such as big data, the Internet, artificial intelligence, and blockchain with the transportation industry, and continuously enhance development momentum.

Accelerate the formation of green and low-carbon transportation modes, and make positive contributions to achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. We must accelerate the construction of a green and efficient transportation system, optimize and adjust the transportation structure, implement multimodal transport demonstration projects in depth, and accelerate the construction of a comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network. We must promote new energy, intelligent, digital, and lightweight transportation equipment, and continue to promote the construction of charging piles and charging stations in key areas such as highway service areas and passenger hubs. Strengthen pollution prevention and control in key areas, continue to promote pollution control of diesel vehicles with excessive emissions, implement the ship air pollution emission control area system in depth, and promote the large-scale application of recyclable express packaging to make transportation more environmentally friendly and travel more low-carbon.

Actively participate in global transportation governance and deepen global transportation cooperation. Enhance the depth and breadth of international cooperation, actively build a new transportation platform, actively promote the construction and reform of the global transportation governance system, and continuously enhance the international voice and influence of transportation. We must speed up the implementation of the conference results, actively and steadily, efficiently and pragmatically prepare for the construction of the China International Sustainable Transportation Innovation and Knowledge Center, and make it an important practical platform that "intersects with the world and connects with the times."

The horn has been sounded, and the journey is just around the corner. We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, accelerate the construction of a transportation power that satisfies the people, has strong guarantees, and is at the forefront of the world, and strive to promote transportation to be a pioneer in China's modernization!