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Draw wisdom and strength for party building from the party's century-long struggle
Draw wisdom and strength for party building from the party's century-long struggle
date: 2021-12-10 09:10 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

At the important historical moment of the 100th anniversary of the founding of our party, at the critical historical juncture when the party led the people to successfully achieve the first centenary goal and march towards the realization of the second centenary goal, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party was held to comprehensively summarize the major achievements and historical experience of the party's 100 years of struggle, which has great political, historical and practical significance. When summarizing achievements, summarizing experiences and issuing orders for the new era, the plenary session emphasized the need to persist in self-revolution and strengthen party building. Party organizations at all levels of the directly affiliated agencies of the Ministry of Transport should earnestly study, deeply understand and implement them, earnestly draw wisdom and strength from the party's 100-year struggle of the party, and promote the high-quality development of party building in the directly affiliated agencies of the Ministry.

Draw valuable experience from strengthening the Party's political construction and more firmly and consciously support the "two establishments". The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed that the Party established Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the CPC Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party, and established the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era, which reflects the common aspirations of the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and is of decisive significance to the development of the Party and the country in the new era and to the historical process of promoting the great rejuvenation of the 中文 nation. This is a major political judgment made by the Plenary Session, and a major historical conclusion drawn from a profound summary of the Party's century-long struggle and the great practice since the 18th CPC National Congress. We must draw valuable experience from the 100-year history of the Party to strengthen the Party's political construction, deeply learn and understand the theoretical logic, historical logic and practical logic of the "two establishments", and understand the important significance of strengthening the Party's political construction, constantly improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, and more firmly support and maintain Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the CPC Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party, comprehensively implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era, consciously enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two maintenances", so as to ensure ideological unity, political unity and consistent actions in the new journey of accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country.

Learn from the valuable experience of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and be more determined and conscious to firmly adhere to the strict main tone for a long time. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party pointed out that the whole Party must bear in mind that we are born in hardship and die in comfort, always have long-term considerations, be prepared for danger in times of peace, continue to promote the new great project of Party building in the new era, adhere to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and unswervingly promote the building of Party conduct and clean government and the fight against corruption. Strict governance of the Party is the Party's fine tradition and political gene, and it is also an important guarantee for the Party to always have strong combat effectiveness. We must always keep a clear mind that comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is always on the road, strengthen political determination, adhere to the strict main tone for a long time, adhere to strict discipline and rules, strengthen supervision, discipline and accountability, persevere in rectifying work styles, strengthening discipline and fighting corruption, and promote the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, so as to maintain the overwhelming force against corruption and give full play to the political guidance and political guarantee role of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Learn from the valuable experience of leading social revolution with self-revolution, and serve more firmly and consciously to accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee succinctly summarized the rich connotations of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era with "ten clarifications", and took "leading the great social revolution with great self-revolution" as an important content, which profoundly revealed the dialectical relationship between self-revolution and social revolution, which go hand in hand and promote each other, and fully embodies the historical initiative of the 中文 Communists. We must draw from the Party's century-long history the wisdom and courage of leading the great social revolution with great self-revolution, closely focus on accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country and do our best to be the pioneer of China's modernization, promote the deep integration of Party building and business, promote all aspects of Party building in government agencies, eliminate their own cancers through self-purification, improve their overall image through self-improvement, cultivate creative vitality through self-innovation, and enhance their ability to take responsibility through self-improvement, so as to promote high-quality development of transportation with high-quality Party building.