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Li Xiaopeng presided over a ministerial meeting and stressed: Make good use of financial support for the government
Li Xiaopeng presided over a ministerial meeting and stressed: Make good use of financial support for the government
date: 2022-02-16 10:34 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

On February 15, Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport, presided over a ministerial meeting to convey and study the relevant spirit of the central government, study how to make good use of financial support policies to promote the high-quality development of road transportation, review the "Management Measures for Multimodal Transport Demonstration Projects (Interim)" and "Management Measures for Urban Green Freight Distribution Demonstration Projects". "Management Measures for the Creation of Demonstration Counties for Urban and Rural Transportation Integration" and "Management Measures for National Public Transport City Construction Demonstration Projects", and study the reduction and merger of port charges.

The meeting emphasized that making good use of financial support policies and promoting high-quality development of highway transportation are specific measures to implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on stabilizing growth, and are important contents of innovating the investment and financing mechanism of transportation and strengthening debt risk prevention and control. We must continue to deepen the reform of transportation investment and financing, and accelerate the improvement of the investment and financing mechanism of "government-led, hierarchical responsibility, diversified financing, and controllable risks". We must guide local transportation authorities to make good project reserves, improve the quality of project feasibility study reports, and lay a good foundation for financial institutions to evaluate project credit. We must further guide local innovation and improvement of market-oriented financing models for highway construction and maintenance, expand road-derived economy, and continuously improve the sustainable development capacity of highway projects.

The meeting pointed out that since the establishment of the multimodal transport demonstration project in 2015, three batches of 70 demonstration projects have been identified, which have accumulated useful experience and played an important leading and demonstration role in promoting the high-quality development of multimodal transport. It is necessary to further improve the standardization of demonstration project management, conduct in-depth research on the application of one-order system, one-ticket system, one-box system and other models, strengthen integrated construction and information sharing, promote the quality and expansion of demonstration project construction, accelerate the construction of a modern comprehensive transportation system, and further promote logistics cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

The meeting required that the quality and level of urban green freight distribution demonstration projects be continuously improved, the urban freight distribution infrastructure and institutional rules be further improved and perfected, and the construction of an "intensive, efficient, green and intelligent" urban freight distribution service system be accelerated to provide strong support for the green and low-carbon development of transportation.

The meeting required that the leading and driving role of the demonstration creation of urban-rural transportation integration be fully utilized, and that long-term efforts be made to continuously promote the integrated development of urban and rural transportation infrastructure, urban and rural passenger services, and urban and rural freight and logistics services, so as to provide more powerful support for consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

The meeting required that the urban public transportation policy and system be continuously improved, the service supply capacity and accuracy be enhanced, and the construction principles of government-led, departmental coordination, public participation, and people's satisfaction be adhered to. The construction of a bus city during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period should be deeply promoted. With demonstration projects as the guide, the level of urban public transportation services should be comprehensively improved, so that public transportation can truly become the first choice for people's travel.

The meeting pointed out that reducing and merging port charges and reducing pilotage fees at coastal ports in a targeted manner are important measures to implement the deployment of the State Council's executive meeting and do a good job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work. It is necessary to guide local transportation authorities to strengthen supervision and inspection, focus on strengthening market supervision of port operations, and further standardize port operations and charging behaviors. It is necessary to improve the efficiency of pilotage services, coordinate the prevention and control of high-risk positions in ports such as pilots, and ensure smooth access, and continuously optimize the port business environment.

The meeting also studied other matters.

The leaders of the Ministry and the chief engineer of the Ministry in Beijing attended the meeting. The responsible persons of the relevant departments and subordinate units of the Ministry also attended the meeting as observers.