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The Ministry of Transport has deployed key tasks for "Four Good Rural Roads" this year
The Ministry of Transport has deployed key tasks for "Four Good Rural Roads" this year
date: 2022-02-18 09:15 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Key Points for Promoting the High-Quality Development of "Four Good Rural Roads" in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Key Points"), fully implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the previous plenary sessions of the 19th Central Committee, focusing on promoting construction, emphasizing maintenance, improving services, ensuring safety, strengthening governance, and carrying out demonstrations to promote the high-quality development of "Four Good Rural Roads", and provide solid guarantees for accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country, serving the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and helping farmers and rural areas to achieve common prosperity.

The "Key Points of Work" deploys eight key tasks: thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, promote the implementation of the various work arrangements of the Central Rural Work Conference and the Central Document No. 1 of 2022; consolidate and expand the results of the "two connections", promote the diversified and integrated development of rural roads, and help farmers increase employment and income; improve the rural road infrastructure network, and strengthen survey, design and construction quality management; improve the maintenance level of rural roads, innovate maintenance production models, and protect road property and rights; strengthen the supply of rural road transportation services, and promote the integrated development of passenger, freight and mail; strengthen rural road safety guarantees and enhance people's awareness of safe travel; improve rural road governance capabilities, improve the long-term operation mechanism of the "road manager system", and strengthen information construction and supervision and assessment; play a typical demonstration and leading role, and implement the "four good rural roads" transportation power country construction pilot and rural road management and maintenance system reform pilot, and deepen the demonstration creation of "four good rural roads" and urban-rural transportation integration.