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The Ministry of Transport has clarified the task list for promoting investment and stabilizing growth
The Ministry of Transport has clarified the task list for promoting investment and stabilizing growth
date: 2022-02-24 09:49 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

The Ministry of Transport issued the “Notice on Actively Expanding Effective Investment in Transportation” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”), which made arrangements for key tasks such as accelerating the construction of a modern, high-quality national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, accelerating the construction of major road and water transport infrastructure, and accelerating the implementation of the “Four Good Rural Roads” project to help rural revitalization. It will effectively play the important role of the transportation industry in promoting investment and stabilizing growth, and achieve a “good start” and a “stable start”.

Establish a coordination and promotion mechanism for major projects

The "Notice" points out that all localities and units should closely focus on the "14th Five-Year Plan" series of planning goals and tasks, key projects, etc., and carry out infrastructure investment in a moderately advanced manner; accelerate the construction of 102 major national transportation projects and the "6 axes, 7 corridors and 8 channels" strategic trunk channel projects, and accurately make up for the shortcomings of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network; deeply promote the pilot tasks of building a strong transportation country, focus on summing up experience, and form replicable and popularizable systems, methods and results.

The "Notice" requires improving the quality and depth of preliminary work, promoting the early start of preliminary work for projects within the plan, deepening the demonstration of major construction contents, and reasonably determining the scale of investment; strengthening project reserves, establishing a project list, and forming a virtuous cycle of reserving a batch, starting a batch, building a batch, and completing a batch; strengthening supervision and management, implementing the main responsibility and regulatory responsibility, and ensuring the smooth implementation of the project.

The "Notice" proposes that all localities and units should ensure the guarantee of policy elements such as funds and land, give full play to the guiding and driving role of central funds, innovate investment and financing systems and mechanisms, strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments, promote the establishment of inter-ministerial, inter-provincial, and inter-departmental coordination and promotion mechanisms for major projects, and form a joint force to promote the construction of major engineering projects; strengthen risk prevention and control, strengthen the coordination mechanism between transportation development planning and funding guarantee, and ensure the timely payment of wages and project funds for migrant workers; strictly implement the safety production responsibility system, establish a dual prevention mechanism of risk classification management and hidden danger investigation and control, and promote high-quality construction and meticulous management with the safe and century-old quality project as the guide.

Formulate a comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network project database

The "Notice" clearly states that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of the main skeleton of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, sort out the composition of the main skeleton routes, formulate the main skeleton route plan and project library of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, promote the "three-in-one" construction of hub clusters, hub cities, and hub ports and stations, and promote the construction of a number of comprehensive passenger transport hubs with a high degree of integration, excellent service quality, and strong demonstration and leading role.

In terms of major highway infrastructure construction, we will focus on promoting the construction of sections of national expressways to be connected, expanding and renovating busy national expressways, improving the backbone highways from Xinjiang to Tibet, accelerating the implementation of supporting highways for the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, accelerating the construction of highways along the border and the coast, and promoting the highway unblocking project of the Western Land-Sea New Corridor. In terms of water transportation, we will vigorously promote the construction of key water transportation projects such as the Yangtze River, Xijiang River, and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and accelerate the preliminary work and construction of the Western Land-Sea New Corridor (Pinglu) Canal Project, the North Side Container Terminal Project of Xiaoyangshan in Yangshan Port Area, the Port and Shipping Facilities Project of Ningbo-Zhoushan National Commodity Storage and Transportation Base, and the Standardization and Unblocking Project of the Yangtze River Main Channel.

The "Notice" proposes to focus on the key counties for national rural revitalization assistance, strengthen the construction of transportation infrastructure in poverty-stricken areas, orderly implement the construction of third-level and above highways connecting townships, and promote the construction of dual external channels in townships in areas with conditions; promote the construction of key projects of new transportation infrastructure such as smart highways, smart waterways, smart ports, and smart hubs, and carry out pilot applications of autonomous driving and smart shipping; accelerate the construction of port collection and distribution railways, logistics parks, and dedicated railway lines for large industrial and mining enterprises, promote the use of shore power by ships in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and Bohai Bay, and promote the reasonable layout of photovoltaic power generation facilities in suitable areas such as roads and service areas according to local conditions.