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Innovative start releases momentum for smart transportation to move forward
Innovative start releases momentum for smart transportation to move forward
date: 2021-03-02 13:34 author: admin Browse:

On New Year's Eve, the Chengyu Expressway Monitoring and Operation Command Center in Chengdu, Sichuan Province was brightly lit. This is the "digital brain" of six expressways including Chengyu, Chengya and Chengle. During the Spring Festival, staff members are on duty 24 hours a day, remotely monitoring road conditions, issuing instructions, and guarding the way home for the people.

At the construction site of the Wufengshan Cross-River Channel Highway Connection Project in Jiangsu, the construction workers were busy and orderly. In order to achieve the goal of completing the project within the year, 124 workers stayed at the construction site during the Spring Festival and went all out to build this "future smart highway" with full 5G coverage.

New technologies enable traditional infrastructure to improve quality and efficiency, and the transportation sector also provides a broad application scenario for new technologies. In the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) seized the opportunity of "new infrastructure" and actively planned the transformation and upgrading of traditional infrastructure, promoted the deep integration of information technology and transportation, strengthened digital and intelligent transformation, and improved the efficiency of infrastructure and transportation services. From making good overall planning and layout to increasing scientific research and innovation, and then to the blossoming of smart projects, the new infrastructure is slowly unfolding, and future transportation is worth looking forward to.

Technology empowers holographic perception infrastructure

Looking through the reports of the provincial transportation work conferences, the word "smart" appears frequently. It can be foreseen that the application scenarios of smart transportation will increase further in the future, and the construction of related projects will set off a boom. Smarter and more convenient transportation infrastructure will serve smooth public travel and sustainable economic development.

This year, Jiangsu will build smart highways such as the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway and the Sutai Expressway, and complete the Wufengshan Smart Expressway and the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Southern Expressway smart tunnel, centering on the goals of holographic perception, vehicle-road collaboration, active anti-congestion, safe transportation, and convenient services. It will also issue and promote the application of "Typical Cases of Smart Highway Construction Technology for Ordinary National and Provincial Highways"; build a full-dimensional traffic perception network for waterways, guide the construction and renovation of a new generation of automated terminals and storage yards, and accelerate the construction of demonstration projects of smart waterways and smart ports such as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Nanjing Port, Zhenjiang Port, and Taicang Port.

While promoting project construction, Jiangsu is committed to achieving the transformation of science and technology information to promote innovation and industry, and to add development momentum with new achievements in smart transportation; taking the opportunity of preparing for the 29th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation in Suzhou in 2023, it will create intelligent transportation industry clusters such as vehicle-road collaboration and autonomous driving.

Fujian Province, which has many good ports, is planning to build an intelligent unmanned container terminal in the Haicang Port Area of ​​Xiamen Port, establish "one-stop" and "one-network" information service platforms, and accelerate the full electronicization and standardization of port logistics documents in the province; accelerate the application pilot projects of highway vehicle-road collaboration, smart highways, smart ports, and smart cost estimation, and create a "one network" for traffic perception.

Smarter infrastructure means an improved travel experience for passengers. At present, Hubei is vigorously promoting personalized and customized travel services, exploring and promoting the development models of "Internet + road passenger transport" and "Internet + tourist passenger transport" in Wuhan, Yichang and other places; encouraging and guiding the public transportation of intercity passenger transport, exploring and promoting intermodal transport and one-ticket passenger transport services; facilitating the daily transportation of the elderly by issuing "one-card" for urban public transportation for the elderly and guiding online car-hailing to add the "one-click call" function.

Operation management digital brain integrated collaboration

Smart transportation infrastructure has put forward intelligent and digital requirements for operation and management systems. All regions are committed to building a more convenient management system, a more efficient monitoring system, and a more open data platform, so that digital management can enable the transformation and upgrading of the transportation industry.

Shenzhen proposed to build a smart transportation body for the entire industry and all elements with high standards, and to create the brightest eyes, the strongest brain, and the fastest hands for transportation, focusing on industry management, transportation operation, and technological innovation, to achieve one map for operation, one face for travel, and one bill for transportation; to build a world-leading integrated smart platform for transportation, to innovate data-driven business management models, and to build a full-chain, full-cycle industry governance system around the two main business lines of approval, supervision, credit, law enforcement, and planning, design, construction, and maintenance, to improve the level of multi-mode networking and joint control of sea, land, air, and rail.

In the future, Shenzhen will be built into a world-class city for the innovative development of intelligent connected vehicles. Shenzhen Transportation will take the lead in issuing management regulations to promote the implementation of unmanned minibuses and unmanned taxis; innovatively build a smart travel (MaaS) platform, adhere to the market-oriented concept, take transportation as the core, integrate the needs of catering, tourism, accommodation and other fields, and guide enterprises to innovate and develop special transportation service products.

Shanxi will promote the implementation of "digital government" in the transportation industry and issue the "Shanxi Digital Transportation Construction Plan (2021-2023)". By 2023, Shanxi will initially build a comprehensive transportation information platform with "one-stop access for basic data, integrated industry governance, and one-stop government services", and fully complete the upgrade and transformation of the overweight control network management information system, the Shanxi Provincial Dangerous Goods Road Transport Safety Supervision System, and the Shanxi Provincial National and Provincial Trunk Highway Traffic Condition Survey System. Three projects jointly built by the ministry and the province.

Jilin adheres to the principle of practicality, utility and effectiveness, and uses advanced information technology to empower the development of transportation. By 2025, Jilin will basically build a digital transportation system with "digital perception of transportation facilities, extensive coverage of information networks, convenient and intelligent transportation services, online coordination of industry governance, active innovation in technology applications, and secure and controllable network data".

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Jilin Transportation will build a "digital brain" to achieve the integration and sharing of transportation information resources and the comprehensive utilization of social information resources through a smart transportation information platform. This year, Jilin's transportation department will invest 480 million yuan to basically complete the "Internet +" transportation supervision and service system, and start construction of information projects such as the road network operation monitoring and integrated management system, the comprehensive transportation big data center, the "Internet +" transportation command center, the science and technology control and national networking system, and the second phase of the highway video cloud networking project.

Hubei is using artificial intelligence, blockchain, 5G, the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and mobile Internet technologies to build a maritime intelligent supervision service network system that fully covers the Han River waters, waterways, coastlines, and ships, and to build a smart supervision and operation system that fully adapts to future waterway construction, maintenance, emergency response, and management. In the future, the "Internet of Everything" perception network of the Han River waterway will unify and gather various video resources to enhance the "visual perception" capability of the Han River.

This year, Anhui will launch a three-year action plan for smart transportation construction, build six provincial government information platforms including comprehensive transportation operation monitoring and coordination command, and networked overweight control, plan and promote the construction of 14 provincial government information projects such as the smart transportation big data center, and accelerate the digitalization of industry governance.

Industry, academia, research and application gather wisdom and strength to deeply integrate

To develop new transportation infrastructure, we must consolidate the underlying support of basic research and technology R&D systems to solve the technical bottlenecks from "cannot be used" to "can be used", and the production technology bottlenecks from "can be used" to "very practical and easy to use". During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we will focus on improving the technology innovation platform, building an innovation system with deep integration of "production, education, research and application", and comprehensively improving the level of innovation and development in transportation.

This year, the growth rate of investment in research and experimental development funds for enterprises in the transportation sector in Fujian will exceed 15%. Pilot science and technology demonstration projects will be carried out to promote key technology research in key areas, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological project results, and form technical standards and local standards; relying on the talent and technical advantages of universities and research institutes such as Fujian Shipbuilding and Transportation Vocational College, strengthen basic research and source innovation, and promote the deep integration of production, learning, research and application.

Gansu will strengthen the leading role of transportation enterprises in innovation, guide and encourage enterprises to increase R&D investment, promote the integration of "government, industry, academia, research and application", vigorously support the construction of transportation science and technology innovation center, key laboratories of smart transportation, and new infrastructure smart transportation industry port, and strive to include industry scientific research platforms in the layout and construction of national and provincial science and technology innovation bases.

Anhui supports leading transportation companies in forming systematic and task-oriented innovation teams, promotes the construction of six ministerial and provincial science and technology innovation platforms such as the Transportation Intelligent Manufacturing R&D Center, strengthens the research and development of key core technologies, promotes the research of key scientific and technological projects such as the "Highway Industrialized Intelligent Construction Technology Science and Technology Demonstration Project", and accelerates the industrialization and application of scientific and technological achievements; strengthens the formulation of standards in key areas such as standards and infrastructure, green environmental protection, and smart transportation in the Yangtze River Delta region.

Shandong will promote the gathering of innovative elements such as projects, talents and technologies to enterprises, and strengthen the dominant position and leading role of transportation enterprises in scientific and technological innovation; use the integration of industry, academia and research as a link to accelerate the gathering of high-quality resources in scientific research and development, engineering technology and management, and implement a number of high-level transportation technology innovation projects; strengthen the management of scientific research platforms, conduct mid-term evaluations of recognized provincial industry laboratories and R&D centers, implement dynamic management and last-place elimination; accelerate the construction of software and hardware for key laboratories of smart transportation, and complete the second phase of the outdoor test base construction task within the year.

Liaoning supports leading enterprises to take the lead in establishing innovation alliances, carry out scientific and technological project research, increase the application of ministerial and provincial scientific and technological projects, organize enterprises to apply for provincial and ministerial scientific research platforms, and strengthen the promotion and application of mature and applicable technologies such as warm-mix asphalt and base grouting.