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Intelligent Transportation Industry Alliance focuses on promoting the research of 46 group standards
Intelligent Transportation Industry Alliance focuses on promoting the research of 46 group standards
date: 2021-04-06 15:42 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

The reporter learned from the "14th Five-Year Plan" Intelligent Transportation Industry Seminar and the 2020 China Intelligent Transportation Industry Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance) Annual Meeting held in Beijing on March 30 that as of the end of last year, the Alliance had issued a total of 132 group standards covering public transportation, travel services, intelligent driving, information security and other fields. This year, the Alliance will focus on promoting the research of 46 group standards.

The 46 group standards involve intelligent driving, in-vehicle information services and safety, public transportation, travel information services, operating vehicles, transportation information safety, and intelligent transportation product testing and certification. The alliance will give full play to the main role of enterprises in standardization, steadily promote standardization work, and support the standardized and healthy development of the transportation industry.

This year, the alliance will also organize its member units to conduct research on hot industry topics such as digital transportation demonstration construction, innovative development of intelligent transportation, and 5G-enabled intelligent development of transportation, promote the industrialization of technologies such as digital transportation, vehicle-road collaboration, new energy vehicles, autonomous driving, and vehicle networking, and build a domestic and international technology and academic exchange and cooperation platform.

Focusing on the development of intelligent transportation industry under the background of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the conference invited Liu Dong, deputy director of the Comprehensive Transportation Planning Division of the Comprehensive Planning Department of the Ministry of Transport, Zhang Jianjun, director of the Technical Management Division of the Ministry's Highway Bureau, and Li Bin, deputy director of the Ministry's Highway Research Institute, to make keynote speeches on the learning experience of the "National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline", the high-quality development of highway engineering industry standards, and the intelligent development of highway transportation. Shi Xuesong, vice president of Tencent Technology Smart Transportation, and Zhao Hongda, senior manager of Audi, shared their thoughts on the future development of digital transportation and smart cars. Representatives of more than 200 member units attended the meeting.