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Smart Transportation: Innovation
Smart Transportation: Innovation
date: 2021-04-06 16:14 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

At 18:00 on March 31, as the last fully loaded ship sailed towards the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guangxi Da Tengxia Ship Lock had been open to trial navigation for a year. According to statistics, since the trial navigation, a total of 18,000 ships have passed through the Da Tengxia Ship Lock, driving the high-quality development of an industry worth more than 2 billion yuan.

The safe and efficient operation of the locks is due to the continuous improvement of the level of intelligence. The Guangxi Xijiang Lock Operation and Dispatching Center has connected the Datongxia Lock to the unified dispatching system of the Xijiang River Basin Locks, and can intelligently output the ship docking map of the lock chamber within 1 minute, greatly shortening the waiting time for ships. At present, the "strongest brain" of the Xijiang River - the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Xijiang Lock Operation and Dispatching Center has achieved unified joint dispatching of 17 locks in 12 cascade hubs in the Xijiang River Basin.

In recent years, the Department of Transportation of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has thoroughly implemented the Digital Guangxi and Smart Transportation development strategies, promoted the demonstration application of information technologies such as big data, 5G, and artificial intelligence in the industry, accelerated the construction of demonstration projects such as smart ports, smart highways, and vehicle-road collaboration, and improved the level of digital and intelligent development of transportation.

Strengthen top-level design and promote overall planning

In accordance with the requirements of the Party Committee and Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on digital work, the Department of Transportation of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region actively conducted research and study, and drew on the experience and practices of advanced regions; in combination with the pilot work and development reality of building a strong transportation country, it organized the compilation of the "Implementation Plan for the Guangxi Transportation 5G Industry Development Action Plan (2019-2022)" and the "Three-Year Action Plan for Innovation and Development of Digital Guangxi Transportation (2020-2022)" and other documents.

In order to build a "chess game" pattern of smart transportation construction, Guangxi Transportation has clearly created a number of pilot projects such as the Nanning Shajing to Wuwei highway vehicle-road collaboration demonstration and the location-based digital twin system technology system, and promoted the construction of smart transportation in an orderly manner in different fields and steps; based on the principle of developing "dual industries" of traditional transportation and smart transportation, and building industrial parks as a carrier, with the "3+1" (Beidou application, 5G communication, autonomous driving + corresponding training and promotion work) leading industries as the focus, to promote industrial agglomeration and build an integrated development system for smart transportation.

Strengthen the data foundation and achieve "one cloud" linkage coverage

Smart transportation construction cannot be separated from a solid data foundation. Since 2017, Guangxi Transportation has vigorously promoted the construction of a smart transportation big data platform, built a cloud computing big data center, and created the "Magnificent Guangxi Transportation Cloud". At present, the transportation big data resource management and control platform, the comprehensive transportation cloud GIS (geographic information system) platform, etc. have been basically built, becoming an important carrier of Guangxi Transportation's "one center for data, one platform for business, one map for transportation, and one network for supervision".

"The center's daily data processing capacity reaches more than 1 billion pieces, and can support more than 100,000 data sharing and exchanges." Huang Zhongzhang, a staff member of the Guangxi Transportation Cloud Data Center, introduced that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the center has continued to share more than 8.24 million road and waterway passenger ticket data and more than 11 billion highway traffic data with the Ministry of Transport and various departments of the autonomous region.

Digital empowerment ensures safety. So far, Guangxi has 14,000 highways under video surveillance, and 80% of the key sections of the national and provincial trunk road networks, large bridges, and long tunnels have achieved dynamic monitoring of their operation conditions; the road transport vehicle dynamic monitoring industry service platform has accessed and managed 533 road transport companies, as well as 26,200 tourist buses, chartered buses, Class III and above regular bus routes, and dangerous goods transport vehicles.

The deep integration and application of new technologies are convenient and beneficial to the people

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Guangxi Transportation will promote the application of smart transportation as an important part of smart transportation construction, and vigorously promote the construction of demonstration projects such as the Guangxi Beibu Gulf Smart Port and the "5G+Smart Service Area", so that the people can enjoy tangible benefits.

When talking about the Beidou system, Mo Yong, the captain of the "Pingnan Runfa 3333", gave a thumbs up unconsciously: "In the past, even if we encountered strong winds and heavy rains, we had to take a small boat to report the locks. Now with Beidou, we don't need to leave the ship to report the locks, and we don't need to dock to pay the fees. All we need is a mobile phone, which saves 200 yuan in lock passing costs each time." As of March 1 this year, the number of ships that frequently travel in the Xijiang River Basin and are equipped with Beidou shipborne terminals has reached 4,350, accounting for 98.3% of the total capacity of ships that regularly pass through the Xijiang River locks, and the amount of lock fees paid without stopping (Xijiang e-payment) accounts for 82% of the total lock fees.

In the next step, the Department of Transportation of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will make smart transportation construction a key content of scientific and technological innovation in the "14th Five-Year Plan", promote major projects such as data governance and "aggregation and use" of government data, smart transportation and "new infrastructure + transportation", and provide a Guangxi solution for smart transportation construction.