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The Party History Study and Education Training of the Ministry of Transport System Covers All Employees
The Party History Study and Education Training of the Ministry of Transport System Covers All Employees
date: 2021-04-22 15:25 author: China Traffic News Network Browse:

From April 8 to 20, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Transport held four training courses on in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and party history education, and conducted centralized training for party members and cadres at or above the department level. Yang Chuantang, secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry, emphasized that we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era, in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the mobilization meeting for party history education, further unify our thinking and improve our understanding, draw wisdom and strength from the party's century-long great struggle, constantly improve our political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and strive to start a new journey of accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country with an uplifting attitude, and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements.

On April 20, the fourth training class was completed at the Party School of the Ministry. "I will deeply absorb the nourishment of the Party's century-old history, calculate the economic account and control the technical barriers in the planning and construction of railway projects, and provide professional services and technical support for accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country." Hao Kuansheng, a representative of the second group of students in the fourth class and director of the Engineering Design Review Center of the Planning and Standards Research Institute of the National Railway Administration, said at the graduation ceremony with deep understanding.

As of that day, more than 1,200 people, including bureau-level and division-level leading cadres from the Ministry's departments and subordinate units in Beijing, grassroots Party branch secretaries, and division-level cadres from the National Railway Administration, participated in the centralized training, basically achieving full coverage of training for all those who need it.

The trainees all expressed that the concentrated training was truth-seeking and pragmatic, and they gained a lot and achieved tangible learning results. They learned firm beliefs, feelings for the people and historical responsibility. They made new progress in learning history to gain knowledge, gained new gains in learning history to increase faith, made new progress in learning history to respect morality, and gained new awareness in learning history and putting it into practice.

Highlight the training theme and focus on serving the people

On April 8, the first training session was held. Yang Chuantang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a mobilization speech. Xie Chuntao, member of the Central Propaganda Team and Vice President of the Central Party School, was invited to give a lecture. Minister Li Xiaopeng and Vice Minister Wang Zhiqing attended the training.

On that day, through the ministry's video conferencing system, more than 210 branch venues were set up in various units and grassroots units of the ministry system, and more than 6,000 people participated in the study simultaneously, expanding the coverage of the training.

The Party Committee of the Ministry attaches great importance to the centralized training of Party history learning and education. Yang Chuantang and Li Xiaopeng approved the work plan. After attending the opening ceremony of the first session, Yang Chuantang attended the closing ceremony of the first session on April 10, and attended the closing ceremony of the third session on April 17. He put forward clear requirements for taking the lead in learning Party history, understanding ideas, doing practical things, opening up new situations, and inheriting and promoting the good transportation spirit.

The training theme is clear and prominent, focusing on serving the people and being pragmatic. It integrates the study and education of party history with the training on studying and implementing the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. It arranges special studies and discussions on the struggle and inspiration of the Communist Party of China, the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee.

The training was conducted through mobilization, special guidance, individual self-study, and discussion and exchange. Relevant leaders, members of the Central Propaganda Team, and scholars provided special guidance. During the four training sessions, relevant responsible comrades from the Ministry's General Office, Policy Research Office, Personnel and Education Department, the Party Committee of the Directly Affiliated Institutions, and the Party School followed the training and provided full supervision.

Draw spiritual strength to illuminate the road to progress

"I will draw wisdom and strength from the party's century-long great struggle, constantly improve my political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, never deviate from the purpose and essence of people's transportation for the people, and use the light of a century of party history to illuminate the way forward on the new journey." Zheng Huaiyu, director of the International Organizations Division of the Ministry's International Cooperation Department, said in the group discussion.

Study and discussion is one of the key projects of this intensive training. In each three-day intensive training, the trainees were divided into groups for two discussions. There were 56 discussion groups in the four training courses. Everyone spoke enthusiastically in each discussion. Everyone closely linked their thoughts with reality and combined them with the actual work, thinking deeply, exchanging ideas, inspiring each other, and improving together.

The trainees generally expressed that after returning to their jobs, they will continue to conscientiously implement the unified deployment of the Party Committee of the Ministry, take the lead in carrying out party history learning and education, strive to be in the forefront and set an example, base themselves on reality and do a good job in "I do practical things for the people", and transform the results of their study into effectiveness in serving the people, and deliver an excellent answer to accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country.

Accurate and authoritative expert lectures inject strong impetus into strengthening theoretical education. The experts responsible for the study and lectures on the history of the Party are members of the Central Party History Education and Lecture Group or well-known experts and professors in the field of Party history research. During the special tutoring process, the experts have accumulated a lot of experience, explained in simple terms, linked to reality, and had a strong appeal. They played a good role in guiding and promoting the trainees to deeply understand the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, strengthen theoretical education, and draw spiritual strength.

"As a member of a scientific research unit under the ministry, I feel that my responsibility is heavy and my mission is glorious. The Ministry's Highway Science Research Institute is studying and formulating its own medium- and long-term plan for 2035. It is fully committed to accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country, and is determined to build a world-class highway research institute. It will strengthen the grassroots, basic, and basic skills construction of highway bridge and tunnel infrastructure, road network operation, and transportation services. It will serve as a scientific and technological pioneer in building a safe, convenient, efficient, green, and economical modern integrated transportation system and realizing the modernization of transportation." said Li Bin, deputy director of the Ministry's Highway Science Research Institute.

Consolidate and expand achievements and deepen learning and education

The relevant person in charge of the Office of the Leading Group for Party History Study and Education of the Party Group of the MinistryThe responsible comrade introduced that this concentrated training will lead and motivate the majority of party members and cadres in the ministry system to study history, comprehend thoughts, and go deep and heartily, so as to truly learn history to gain knowledge, learn history to increase confidence, learn history to respect morality, and learn history to put it into practice.

It is understood that at present, all units in the ministry system have organized cadres at or above the department level to participate in the training. In the next step, the Party History Study and Education Leading Group of the Ministry Party Committee will hold a promotion and exchange meeting for the Party History Study and Education in the ministry system, organize training demonstration classes for branch secretaries and members below the department level, carry out a series of special studies and expert lectures, and continue to deepen the Party History Study and Education and achieve practical results. The Party History Study and Education Tour Guidance Group of the Ministry Party Committee will also hold a meeting in the near future to summarize the work of the first phase and deploy the work of the next phase.