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Accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country is the key to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.
Accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country is the key to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.
date: 2021-06-17 00:19 author: Guangming Daily Browse:

Over the past 100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China, especially since the founding of the People's Republic of China, under the strong leadership of the Party, generations of transportation workers have worked hard and explored, and have embarked on a transportation development path with 中文 characteristics. Historic changes have taken place in the field of transportation, and China has become a veritable transportation power. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has opened a new journey to build a strong transportation country, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a mobilization order to accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country. We must not forget our original aspirations, keep our mission in mind, and take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era as our guide to accelerate the construction of a transportation power that satisfies the people, has strong guarantees, and is at the forefront of the world, and take the lead in building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

The transportation industry has achieved historic achievements

After a century of continuous struggle, my country's transportation industry has achieved remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. Various modes of transportation have gradually shifted from independent development to interconnected and integrated development. A comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network has been initially formed, realizing the transformation of economic and social development from "bottleneck constraints" to "overall relief" and then to "basic adaptation". China's roads, bridges, ports, and high-speed railways have become beautiful 中文 business cards.

First, great achievements have been made in the construction of transportation infrastructure, which has facilitated economic and social development. By the end of 2020, the mileage of railways and highways in my country reached 146,000 kilometers and 5.198 million kilometers, respectively, 7 times and 64 times that of the early days of the founding of New China; among them, the mileage of high-speed railways and highways reached 38,000 kilometers and 161,000 kilometers, respectively, both of which created a feat of going from nothing to the world's first in mileage. The country's ports have 22,142 productive berths, 138 times that of the early days of the founding of New China, including 2,592 berths of 10,000 tons and above, accounting for 11.7% of the total berths, ranking first in the world. The navigable mileage of inland waterways reached 128,000 kilometers, 1.7 times that of the early days of the founding of New China. There are 241 civil aviation-certified airports with a route mileage of 8.3798 million kilometers, 735 times that of the early days of the founding of New China. The postal industry has 349,000 business outlets of various types, and 224,000 express service outlets, realizing that every township has an office and every village has postal service. The construction of comprehensive transportation hubs has been accelerated, and a comprehensive transportation network has basically taken shape. The improvement of transportation infrastructure has been accelerated, unblocking the development channels and providing strong support for the sustained and healthy development of the national economy.

Second, the transport service and guarantee capabilities have been significantly improved, which has effectively supported the substantial leap in the country's comprehensive strength. my country is the busiest country in the world in terms of transportation. The railway passenger turnover and freight volume, highway passenger and freight transport volume and turnover, and water freight volume and turnover are all ranked first in the world. Port cargo throughput and container throughput have ranked first in the world for more than ten consecutive years. The total turnover, passenger turnover, and cargo and mail turnover of civil aviation transport are all ranked second in the world, and the express delivery business volume ranks first in the world. In 2020, the total passenger volume of the whole society reached 9.665 billion person-times, and the passenger turnover reached 1925.143 billion person-kilometers, which are 71 times and 124 times of the early days of the founding of New China respectively; the total freight volume of the whole society reached 46.44 billion tons, and the freight turnover reached 19676.1 billion ton-kilometers, which are 248 times and 763 times of the early days of the founding of New China respectively. We have effectively supported the operation of the world's second largest economy with a large-scale, internally and externally connected comprehensive transportation service.

Third, the industry's scientific and technological innovation capabilities have leapt forward, injecting new impetus into economic and social development. my country's transportation technology level has shifted from mainly tracking and catching up to a new stage of "three running in parallel" of following, running side by side, and leading. High-speed railway, high-cold railway, plateau railway, and heavy-duty railway technologies have reached the world's leading level, and highway construction technologies for special geological conditions such as plateau permafrost, expansive soil, and desert have overcome world-class problems. Key technologies for offshore deepwater port construction, giant estuary channel regulation technologies, long river channel system management technologies, and large airport engineering construction technologies are world-leading. China ranks first in the world in terms of the total scale of highway bridges and tunnels under construction and in service. China has 7, 6, and 6 of the world's top ten main span cable-stayed bridges, suspension bridges, and cross-sea bridges, respectively. Eight of the world's 10 tallest bridges are in China. New formats such as online car-hailing, shared bicycles, and Internet logistics are booming. Technology empowers transportation, allowing people to enjoy convenience and adding new impetus to China's economic development.

Fourth, the transportation governance system is constantly improving and the governance capacity is constantly improving. Adhering to the direction of socialist market economic reform, a unified, open, competitive and orderly transportation market system has been basically formed. The construction of the transportation governance system has been gradually improved, and a comprehensive transportation legal and regulatory system consisting of 8 laws, 43 administrative regulations, 288 departmental regulations and local regulations has been initially formed. A comprehensive transportation standard system consisting of more than 3,850 technical standards has been basically formed. A comprehensive transportation policy system with complete categories, clear levels, and coordinated unity has basically been formed. The comprehensive transportation management system and mechanism are constantly improving, and the comparative advantages and combined efficiency of various transportation modes are effectively exerted. Adhere to problem orientation, accelerate the transformation of government functions, deepen the "delegation, regulation and service" reform, and continuously optimize the business environment.

Fifth, the opening-up and cooperation in transportation has been continuously deepened, and the circle of friends has been continuously expanded. We adhere to the mutually beneficial and win-win opening-up strategy, deepen cooperation with various countries in the field of transportation, actively promote global connectivity, actively participate in global transportation governance, promote the building of a global transportation community with a shared future, and serve the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. With the construction of the "Belt and Road" as the focus, transportation has continuously accelerated its pace of "going out". The interconnection framework of "six corridors, six routes, multiple countries and multiple ports" has basically been formed. Highways, urban rail transit and port construction have gone global, and high-speed rail has become a new highlight of China's transportation "going out". Against the backdrop of the raging COVID-19 epidemic, we have taken measures such as "point-to-point" charter flights, "passenger-to-cargo conversion", increased frequency of China-Europe trains, and express ship transportation to quickly improve international freight capacity, and make every effort to ensure that "export goods can go out and import goods can come in", and ensure the stability and smoothness of the international logistics supply chain. Actively participating in global transportation governance, my country plays an increasingly important role in the International Maritime Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Universal Postal Union and the Organization of Railway Cooperation, and its international influence and voice have been further enhanced.

The experience of transportation development is invaluable

While my country's transportation industry has made tremendous achievements in the practice of reform and development, it has also accumulated very valuable experience, which can be summarized into five "must always adhere to".

First, we must always adhere to the leadership of the Party and give full play to the advantages of the socialist system in concentrating efforts to accomplish major tasks. Looking around the world, no country can build such a large-scale transportation infrastructure in a relatively short period of time like China. The fundamental reason why China can do this is that it has the leadership of the Communist Party of China and fully utilizes the advantages of our socialist system in concentrating efforts to accomplish major tasks. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has clarified the new historical positioning of the pioneer of transportation development, proposed to build a strong transportation country, and pointed out the direction for the reform and development of transportation in the new era. Practice has proved that always adhering to the leadership of the Party and giving full play to the advantages of the socialist system with 中文 characteristics is the fundamental political guarantee for the sustained and healthy development of my country's transportation industry, and is a concentrated embodiment of the successful experience of my country's transportation reform and development.

Second, we must always adhere to the people-centered approach and strive to build transportation that satisfies the people. Building transportation that satisfies the people is an inevitable requirement for adhering to the people-centered development philosophy, and is the fundamental starting point and foothold for doing a good job in all aspects of transportation. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made every effort to play the role of transportation as a pioneer, a guarantee team, and a firewall in epidemic prevention and control, regardless of conditions or costs, and have provided strong guarantees for protecting the lives, health, production, and life of the people. We have focused on strengthening the construction of "four good rural roads" to ensure that no place is left behind due to transportation on the road to a well-off society. We have deepened the structural reform of the transportation supply side, starting from solving the most direct and realistic interests that the people are most concerned about, and focusing on improving service quality to continuously meet the people's growing travel needs. Practice has proved that only by always taking people's satisfaction as the fundamental criterion can the transportation industry continue to develop healthily.

Third, we must always adhere to the principle of centering on the center and serving the overall situation, and accelerate development in serving the overall situation. Transportation has always been centering on the center and serving the overall situation, fully implementing a series of strategies, guidelines and policies put forward by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, seizing opportunities, and accelerating development in supporting and serving the implementation of national strategies. The comprehensive transportation corridors that run across the east and west and across the north and south are basically connected, and the transportation in key areas such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Xiong'an New Area, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle has been connected into a network, and the accessibility of old revolutionary areas, ethnic areas, border areas, and poverty-stricken areas has been further improved. The three-dimensional interconnection of transportation infrastructure and the integrated development of various modes of transportation have made the "skeleton" of regional urban and rural development stronger, the "blood vessels" more unobstructed, and the "foundation" more solid, which has strongly supported the continuous optimization of the regional development pattern. Practice has proved that only by centering on the center and serving the overall situation can transportation seize and make good use of strategic opportunities, strengthen itself, and grow stronger in serving the overall situation.

Fourth, we must always adhere to the principle that development is the hard truth, and continue to deepen reform, expand opening up, and drive innovation. We adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, continuously improve the comprehensive transportation management system, actively transform the functions of government departments, and greatly liberate the transportation productivity. Adhere to opening the country to carry out construction, actively introduce foreign advanced technology, equipment and management experience, and actively promote the "going out" of transportation, which has expanded the development space for transportation. Adhere to improving the innovation system, optimizing the innovation environment, and strengthening talent support. The new business forms and models of "Internet + transportation" are developing rapidly, and transportation has burst out with unprecedented vitality. Practice has proved that only by adhering to reform, opening up, and innovation as the driving force, and constantly liberating and developing transportation productivity, can we promote the steady and long-term development of transportation.

Fifth, we must always adhere to the gathering of forces from all parties and mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties. We adhere to overall planning, integration of sectors, hierarchical responsibility, and joint construction, and explore and establish a transportation construction financing model of "central investment, local financing, social financing, and utilization of foreign capital", which fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of the central and local governments, the government and the market, and domestic and foreign parties. The vast majority of transportation cadres and workers inherit and carry forward the new era transportation spirit represented by the "two roads" spirit, and give full play to the role of the main force in transportation construction. The vast majority of the people actively participate in and support the development of transportation, and enterprises, institutions, social groups, international organizations, etc. have also played an important role in promoting the development of transportation. Practice has proved that only by fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties and gathering the wisdom and strength of all parties can the transportation cause be continuously pushed forward.

Accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country and strive to be a pioneer

Standing at a new historical starting point, the transportation industry will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with 中文 Characteristics for a New Era, based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, serve the construction of a new development pattern, implement the "Outline for Building a Strong Transportation Country", "National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline" and the "14th Five-Year Plan" Outline, and accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country that is satisfactory to the people, has strong guarantees, and is at the forefront of the world, and serve as a pioneer in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

First, we should accelerate the construction of a modern, high-quality, national, comprehensive, three-dimensional transportation network. For economic development, transportation must come first. We should optimize the transportation layout, build a 700,000-kilometer transportation network, build a main skeleton of 6 axes, 7 corridors, and 8 channels, build 100 comprehensive transportation hub cities, and improve the global transportation network. We should promote the integrated development of various modes of transportation, promote the integrated development of transportation infrastructure networks, service networks, and information networks, promote the coordinated development of transportation among various regions, and promote the integrated development of transportation and tourism, modern manufacturing, express logistics, and modern logistics. We should accelerate the construction of a modern, high-quality, national, comprehensive, three-dimensional transportation network that is convenient, smooth, economical, efficient, green, intensive, intelligent, advanced, safe, and reliable, to achieve international and domestic interconnection, three-dimensional access to major cities across the country, and effective coverage of county-level nodes, and support the "National 123 Travel Transportation Circle" and the "Global 123 Express Logistics Circle".

Second, we will continue to deepen the supply-side structural reform and serve the construction of a new development pattern. Transportation is an important link and basic support for the smooth flow of domestic and international dual circulation. We must expand the scale of circulation, vigorously improve the comprehensive transportation network, smooth the comprehensive transportation channels, optimize the rapid network, upgrade the trunk network, and improve the basic network. Improve the efficiency of circulation, strive to build a modern logistics service system, promote the construction of a logistics network that is compatible with the industrial layout and consumption pattern, strengthen the construction of large-capacity, low-cost, and high-efficiency logistics backbone channels, coordinate the construction of logistics hub facilities, backbone routes, regional distribution centers, and terminal distribution nodes, and improve the three-level logistics distribution system of counties, towns, and villages. Enhance the circulation momentum, actively promote the integrated development of transportation and related industries such as modern agriculture, advanced manufacturing, tourism, and commerce and trade, vigorously develop hub economy, and cultivate and expand new modes and new formats of transportation. Ensure the smooth circulation, make every effort to ensure the safety of the international logistics supply chain, actively expand diversified international logistics channels, maintain the safety and smooth flow of important international shipping channels, strengthen the construction of international air cargo capacity, accelerate the filling of shortcomings such as cold chain logistics, and form a logistics network that is connected internally and externally, safe, and efficient. Reduce circulation costs, continuously reduce the cost of the logistics system from the perspective of the entire industrial chain, further standardize and reduce logistics and transportation charges such as port shipping, road and railway, and comprehensively clean up and standardize enterprise-related charges.

Third, we will strive to provide high-quality services so that people can enjoy a better travel experience. Transportation services for thousands of households and satisfaction for the people have always been the unswerving original intention of all transportation people. In recent years, the transportation structure has been continuously optimized, and high-quality travel modes such as high-speed rail and civil aviation travel have continued to grow rapidly. All 487 provincial highway toll stations across the country have been cancelled, realizing "one network access". 45 cities have opened urban rail transit, and the operating scale and passenger volume are both ranked first in the world. New business forms such as online car-hailing, shared bicycles, and online freight are in the ascendant, and people's travel is faster and more comfortable. Entering the new era, the standard of people's satisfaction has been upgraded from the past "whether there is" to "how good". We must keep pace with the times, actively respond to the new expectations of the people, persevere in doing practical things for the people's livelihood, combine the study and education of party history, earnestly implement the list of "I do practical things for the people", promote the solution of the "urgent, difficult, and anxious" problems of the people, and continuously improve the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.