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The Ministry of Highways and Transportation Research Institute has fully launched a pilot project to build a strong transportation nation
The Ministry of Highways and Transportation Research Institute has fully launched a pilot project to build a strong transportation nation
date: 2021-11-29 10:32 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

On November 26, the Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Transport Highway Research Institute) held a "Highway Research Institute's Pilot Task Mobilization Meeting for Building a Strong Transportation Nation", marking the Ministry of Transport Highway Research Institute's pilot work on building a strong transportation nation has entered the full launch and implementation stage, and sounded the charge for the Ministry of Transport Highway Research Institute to devote itself to accelerating the construction of a strong transportation nation.

Zhang Jinquan, president of the Ministry of Highways, said that accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, based on national conditions, focusing on the overall situation and facing the future. The Ministry of Highways must firmly grasp the overall requirements of accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country, resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, use scientific and technological innovation to help accelerate the construction of a strong transportation country, and use high-level scientific and technological self-reliance to improve the speed and quality of accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country.

At the meeting, the Ministry of Transport conveyed and learned the reply opinions on the Highway Research Institute's pilot work in building a strong transportation country. According to the reply opinions, the Ministry's Highway Research Institute will carry out pilot projects in the research and application of highway infrastructure life extension and green construction and maintenance technology, the research and application of highway intelligent transportation technology and equipment, the research and application of new highway safety technologies, and the research and development of innovative highway transportation models, forming a batch of advanced experiences and typical results, giving full play to the demonstration and leading role, and providing experience for accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country.

In order to speed up the progress, produce results early and achieve results early, the Ministry of Highways Research Institute attaches great importance to the organization and implementation of the pilot task research project, and has invested nearly 30 million yuan of its own funds in advance to accelerate the start of the scientific and technological research work of a strong transportation country. In the future, we will promote the specific implementation of the project in accordance with the requirements of creating first-class scientific research results, strengthen the close integration with the pilot work of building a strong transportation country in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), jointly tackle key core technologies, and strive to hand in a satisfactory answer sheet for the ministry, the industry, the party and the country.