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Ministry of Transport holds constitutional oath-taking ceremony
Ministry of Transport holds constitutional oath-taking ceremony
date: 2021-12-08 09:26 author: Ministry of Transport of China Browse:

On December 7, the Ministry of Transport held a constitutional oath ceremony for state employees. Minister Li Xiaopeng supervised the oath and emphasized that we must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, further enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", not forgetting our original aspirations, keeping our mission in mind, remembering our oaths, fulfilling our commitments, practicing our internal skills, improving our self-cultivation, fulfilling our duties, and working hard to make new and greater contributions to accelerating the construction of a strong transportation country and being a pioneer in China's modernization. Vice Minister Dai Dongchang presided over the ceremony.

In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Implementation Measures for the Constitutional Oath of National Staff of the Ministry of Transport, newly appointed department-level and division-level leading cadres of the Ministry in the past two years and newly recruited cadres of the Ministry in 2021 will take the constitutional oath.

At about 9 a.m., Dai Dongchang announced the start of the constitutional oath ceremony. Everyone stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. Then, the oath-taker, Li Tianbi, chief engineer of the ministry and director of the Water Transport Bureau, placed his left hand on the constitution and raised his right fist to recite the oath. Other oath-takers stood in line behind him and recited the oath.

After the oath, Li Xiaopeng delivered a speech. He asked everyone to earnestly perform their sacred duties, strictly demand themselves with higher standards, and serve the country and the people with more outstanding work performance. First, improve the position and be clear-cut about politics. Deeply understand the great significance of the "two establishments", further enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of the "two safeguards", be loyal to the party, the country, and the constitution, and strive to build a model agency that "reassures the Party Central Committee and satisfies the people". Second, stand firm and resolutely safeguard the authority of the Constitution. Take the lead in respecting the Constitution, promoting the spirit of the Constitution, and defending the dignity of the Constitution. Third, be brave to take responsibility and earnestly perform statutory duties. We must improve our ability to govern according to law, lay a solid foundation for the construction of the rule of law, and strictly perform our duties in accordance with the law. Fourth, be strict and consciously accept supervision from all parties. We must always be in awe, maintain our integrity, and strictly abide by discipline and rules.

Responsible persons from relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry attended the ceremony.